Acronym - A word formed from the initial letters
or groups of letters of words in a set phrase, as WAC from Women's Army Corps. From The Random
House College Dictionary, 1980 Revised Edition; as SOD from Stewards Of the
AASPO - American Association of Small Property Owners
ADM - Archer Daniels Midland
AG - Acronym Glossary
AG - Agriculture
AHRI - American Heritage Rivers Initiative
AROPL - Abundant Recreation Opportunities on Public Lands
ARUP - Appropriate Refuge Uses Policy
ASW - Ancient Silent Witness (earth)
ATSTSB - American Traffic Safety and Transportation Services Board
AWSRA - American Wild and Scenic Rivers Act
BANANA - Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything
BAS - Best Available Science
BC - Buffer Council
BCD - Biological and Conservation Data (a copyrighted patent product of
The Nature Conservancy)
BECC - Border Environment Cooperation Commission
BH - Breeding Habitat
BI - Buffer Initiative
BIOMASS - The total mass or amount of living organisms in a particular
area or volume. The total weight of all living organisms in a
biological community.
BM - Behavior Modification
BMP - Best Management Practice(s)
BO - Barriers and Opportunities
BO - Biological Opinion
BO - Biological Organisms
BO - Biological Outflow
BP - Buffer Practices
BPF - Balancing the Playing Field
BR - Biological Resources (DOI)
BR - Bioregion
BR - Biosphere Reserve
BR - Brownfields Redevelopment
BR - Budget Resolution
BR - Buffer Restrictions
BWA - By What Authority...?
CA - Change Agent
CABPRO - California Association of Business, Property, and Resource
CAE - Center of the American Experiment
CAE - Centers of Academic Excellence
CAM - Cross-Allocation Methodology
CANAMEX - The CANAMEX Trade Corridor as defined by Congress in the 1995 National Highway Systems Designation Act is a High Priority Corridor.
The Corridor follows I-19 from Nogales to Tucson, I-10 from Tucson to
Phoenix, US 93 in the vicinity of Phoenix to the Nevada Border, US 93 from Arizona
to Las Vegas and I-15 from Las Vegas through Montana to the Canadian Border.
However, CANAMEX is also a broad economic development concept that
trade and provides an opportunity for accelerated economic growth
the region. For several years there has been an interest in developing
this Corridor, chiefly to facilitate transportation distribution, commerce
and tourism.
The region consists of Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Idaho and Montana in the
United States; the Mexican states of Sonora, Sinaloa, Nayarit, Jalisco,
Guanajuato, Queretero, Estado de Mexico, and the Federal District; and the Canadian
province of Alberta.
CARICOM - Caribbean Community and Common Market
CARNIVORE - DCS1000 (Digital Collection System)(Definitive Codification)
CATO Institute - Founded in 1977, the Cato Institute is a nonpartisan
public policy research foundation headquartered in Washington, D.C. The
Institute is
named for Cato's Letters, libertarian pamphlets that helped lay the
philosophical foundation for the American Revolution.
CBI - Consensus Building Institute
CD - Collateral Damage
CWC - Compliant World Citizens
CZV - Criminal Zoning Violation
DENR - Department of the Environment and Natural Resources
DF - De Facto (without law)
DFC - Desired Future Condition
DFNS - Debt For Nature Swap
DIALOG - an online database service made available by Knight Ridder Information Services, Inc. Offers much information on foundations
and grants
through DIALOG.
DMP - Design Management Plan (Scenic Byways)
DOFI - Dependence On Foreign Importation
DP - Demographic Profiles
DP - Discharge Petition (water)
DP - Displaced Person
DP - Domestic Policy
DPL - Destocking of Public Lands
DPOD - Discreet Point Of Delivery
DPS - Distinct Population Segment
DRI - Desert Research Institute (weather modification)
DSBA - Direct Sampling By Aircraft
DSS - Decent, Safe and Sanitary (Comparable Replacement Dwelling, FHWA)
DT - Declaration of Taking
DT - Deep Tillage
DT - Delphi Technique
DT - Demographic Trends
DTAS - Developing Trust Among Stakeholders
DUE - Describe and Understand the Earth (USGS)
DVEP - Decision-making and Valuation for Environmental Policy
DWW - De facto Wilderness Withdrawals
EBR - Excessive Buffer Restrictions
EC - Earth Community
EC - Earth Crisis
EC - Ecologically Crucial
EC - Economic Consequences
ECARP - Environmental Conservation Acreage Reserve Program
ECHO - Each Community Helps Others
ECHO - Environmental Conservation Hotlinks
ECPPR - Ecologically Crucial Predator/Prey Relations
ECRA - Economic Cleanup Responsibility Act
EE - Eco-Extremism
EFA - Education For All (UNESCO)
EI - Ecologic Integrity
EI - Ecological Indicators
EI - Emotional Intelligence (why it can be more important than IQ)
EMP - Ecosystem Management Plans
EOE - Evaluation Of Evidence
EQIP - Environmental Quality Incentives Program
ERAAS - Earth-Raping, Animal-Abusing Scum (view of Earth Liberation
Front toward multiple users)
ERR - Environmentally Responsible Recreation
ESA - Environmentally Sensitive Area
ET - Event Trees (part of risk analysis)
EWPP - Emergency Watershed Protection Program
FAO - Food and Agricultural Organization (UN)
FAS - Federation of American Scientists (Formless self, all humankind, creating a Supra-historical history)
FB - Field Borders
FBS - Farmland Buying Strategies
FEAR - False Evidence Appearing Real
FERM - Forest Ecosystem Restoration and Management
FFW - Farms For Wetlands
FGDC - Federal Geographic Data Committee (involved with The Nature Conservancy)
FOE - Father Of Environmentalism (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)
FOE - Friends Of Earth
FONSI - Finding of No Significant Impact
Form 990-PF - Public record information return that all private
foundations area required by law to submit annually to the Internal Revenue Service.
FOV - Field Of View
FPF - Flood Plain Forest(s)
FTMT - Follow The Money Trail
FYFS - Farmers.....Your Favorite Scum (Animal Liberation Front slogan)
G8S - Group of Eight Summit (Genoa 2001) (UN)
GEIC - Global Environment Information Center
GEMI - Global Environmental Management Initiative
GEMS - Global Environmental Monitoring System
GINEF - Global Initiative on National Environment Funds (IUCN)
GIO - Globally Important Objects
GLCTSA - Global Land Cover Test Site Activity (UN)
GLERL - Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory
GLS - Generational Land Stewards (resource providers)
GNET - The Global Network of the Environment
GPR - Grazing Permit Retirement
GR - Group Rights (replaces individual rights)
GRLHF - Global ReLeaf Heritage Forests
GTSC - Grow The Social Consciousness
GW - Grassed Waterway
GZO - Greenways Zoning Overlay
HA - Human Activity
HABS - Historic American Buildings Survey
HAM - Human Activity Management
HC - Heritage Corridor
HCA - Human-Caused Alteration
HEAP - Human Envelope of Accessible Passage
HEAT - Human Envelope of Accessible Travel
HFH - Human-Free Habitat
HGCZ - Human/Grizzly Conflict Zone
HICC - Human-Induced Climate Change
HL - Historic Landscape
HNAWC - Human and Natural Agents of Watershed Change
HOV - High Occupancy Vehicle
HRM - Human Resources Management
HS - Human Settlement
IAC - International Agriculture Center
IADB - Inter-American Development Bank (IUCN)
IAFWA - International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
IAS - Invasive Alien Species
IBR - Included By Reference
ICESCR - International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
IE - Instant Expert (just add money)
IEM - the International Environmental Monitor (a twice-yearly survey of influential experts and stakeholders in OECD countries to track
development trends)
IF - Interjurisdictional Fish
IGAE - Inter-Governmental Agreement on the Environment (IUCN)
IGBP - International Geosphere Biosphere Program (UN)
IHDP - The International Human Dimensions Program on Global
Environmental Change (UN)
IMPACT - Implementation Planning and Control Technique
IP - Implementation Process
IP - Incentive Package
IP - Incremental Process
IP - Intergenerational Programming
IRDP - Integrated Resource Development Project (IUCN)
IRM - Information and Resource Management
IRRA - Inventory of Resource Rich Areas (UN)
IS - Indicator Species
ITG - International Trails and Greenways
IUCN - World Conservation Union (UN)
IUCN - International Union for (the) Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (UN)
JPM - Justifiable Protection Measures
JSB - Jarbidge Shovel Brigade
JVFA - Joint Venture Focus Area(s)
KP - Kyoto Protocol
KPMG International - A Swiss association. KPMG International's member
firms have more than 100,000 professionals, including 7,000 partners, in 155
countries. KPMG is the accounting, tax and financial
advisory firm that
understands the needs of business in the global economy. In 1994,
Peat Marwick Thorne and Peat Marwick Stevenson & Kellogg -- the Canadian
branch --
joined forces to become KPMG Canada. In 1996, the firm standardized its
internationally as KPMG.)
KWIC - Key Word In Context
KWUA - Klamath Water Users Association
JVP - Joint Venture Plan
KCS - Kansas City Southern railway (NAFTA Railway)
KMRA - Known Mineral Resource Areas
KNF - Key Natural Features
LAD - Land Administration Discipline
LAP - Land Acquisition and Preservation
LBP - Last Best Places (The Nature Conservancy)
LC - Livable Communities
LDD - Limited Distribution Document (UN)
LDS - Landscape Diversity Strategy
LEM - Land-Enclosing Movement
LLPA - Life-long Learning and Public Awareness
LOTF - Landscapes Of The Future
LP - Light Pollution
LPPP - Land Protection Planning Process
LR - Living Rocks
LRMP - Land and Resource Management Plan
LTC - Less Than Credible
MA - Monitoring Activity
MAB - Man and the Biosphere Treaty
MAP - Maintain A Presence
MCC - Montana Consensus Council
MCP - Management Control Program (DOI)
MCP - Mega-Cities Project
MCP - Municipal Compliance Plan
MEA - Multi-scale Ecological Assessment
MEB - Management Institute for Environment and Business - World
Resources Institute (part of the World Resources Institute)
MEP - Maximum Ecosystem Protection
MFA - Management Focus Area
MFE - Managing For Extinction - (BLM)
MFRC - Methods For Resolving Conflict
MH - Migration Habitat
MINO - Money Is No Object
MM - Media Manipulation
MOA - Memorandum Of Agreement
MOPO - Molder Of Public Opinion
MOU - Memorandum of Understanding
MPP - Municipal Police Power (one of which is zoning)
MS - Multi Sensory
MSRP - Multi-Species Recovery Plan
MW - Monkey-Wrenching (Dave Foreman)
MWH - Migratory Waterfowl Hosts (often farmers)
MWL - Managed Water Levels
NBS - National Biological Survey
NC - National Corridors
NCAS - National Core Area Service (now known as the National Park
NCIDME - No Compromise In Defense of Mother Earth (Earth First�s
NDI - Natural Diversity Inventory
NDT - National Discovery Trail
NEAP - National Environmental Action Plan (IUCN)
NEC - Natural Ecosystem Capacity
NEMP - National Environment Management Plan (IUCN)
NEP - Non-Essential Population
NET - Neighborhood Eco-Teams
NFI - Natural Features Inventory
NGO - Non-Governmental Organization
NGOWG - Non-Governmental Organizations Working Group (UN)
NHSHPCS - National Highway System High Priority Corridor System
NHU - No Human Use
NIMBY - Not in My Back Yard
NLE - National Library for the Environment
NLP - National Landcare Program
NNL - National Natural Landmark
NO - Noise Overlay
NOI - Notice Of Intent (to formally announce in the Federal Register the
intent to prepare and consider an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
for a proposed project)
NPL - National Priority List
NPR - National Partnership for Reinventing Government
NPSP - Non Point Source Pollution
NRI - Nationwide Rivers Inventory (DOI)
NRP - Natural Rivers Program
NRPE - National Religious Partnership for the Environment
NSA - National Scenic Area
NSBP - National Scenic Byways Program
NSTS - Nature�s Services To Society
NWI - National Wetlands Inventory
NWIS - National Water Information System
NWN - National Watershed Network
NWPS - The National Wilderness Preservation System (Pew Wilderness
NWQI - National Water Quality Inventory
NWRA - National Water Resources Association
OALS - Office of Arid Lands Studies
OCCDD - Observe, Communicate, Collaborate, Document, Decide
OCD - Our Creative Diversity
OCF - Our Common Future
OD - Obligation Document
OD - Offshore Drilling
OGG - Old-Growth Grass
OL - Obligation Limits
OM - Override Methodology
OMA - Office of Management Authority
OP - Odor Pollution
OS - Obligate Species
OS - Open Space
OSA - Open Space Attributes
OSEC - Office of Sustainable Ecosystems and Communities
OSR - Open Space Requirements
OUBMN - Organic Unity Between Mankind and Nature
PA - Partnership Agreement
PA - Production Agriculture (NOT a synonym for farmland preservation!)
PA - Protected Area(s)
PA - Public Access
PA - Public Awareness
PAC - Public Awareness Campaign
PAC - Political Action Committee
PAE - Preservation And Enhancement
PAR - Preliminary Area Reconnaissance
PAR - Prior Authorization Review
PD - Permitted Discharges
PEER - Progress with Economic and Environmental Responsibility
PEER - Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility
PER - Pan Evaporation Rate (agriculture) (Author�s note: does this
factor in risk assessment of resources?)
PIFPA - Partners In Flight Physiographic Areas
PILT - Payment In Lieu of Taxes (Author�s note: In the case of USFWS,
after the first few years, fails to meet promised or expected levels
PLUAC - Public Land Use Advisory Committee
PM - The Progressive Movement (Greenpeace and others)
PMA - Potentially Mineralized Areas
POC - Point Of Compliance
POC - Property Owner Concerns (Conservation Fund)
POTC - Property Owner and Tenant Concerns (Conservation Fund)
PPAP - Public-Private Aid Package (includes tax abatements)
PPOS - Public Parks / Open Space
PPP - Parallel Programs and Policies
PPP - Polluter Pays Principle (IUCN)
PR - Passive Recreation
PRB - Productive Resource Base
PRBCA - Platte River Basin Cooperative Agreement (Colorado, Nebraska,
and Wyoming)
PROSMP - Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan
PS - Priority Species
PSP - Point-Source Pollution
PTC - Pedestrian Travel Corridor
PTE - Potential To Emit
PVE - Protected Visual Environment
PW - Permit Withdrawal
QUNO - Quaker United Nations Office
RAC - Resource Assessment Commission (IUCN)
RAC - Rural Advancement Center (IUCN)
RACT - Reasonable Available Control Technology
RAE - Restoration And Enhancement
RAMSAR - United Nations Convention on Wetlands of International
Importance, signed in Ramsar, Iran, in 1971)
RARE II - Roadless Area Review and Evaluation, The acronym for the
second Roadless Area Review and Evaluation conducted by the Forest
Service in 1979 that resulted in an inventory of roadless areas
considered for potential
wilderness designations.
RC - RAND Corporation (developer of the Delphi Technique to
RC - River Compacts
RCV - the Recreation Community View
RDB - Red Data Book (published by the IUCN)
REHL - Relatively Expendable Human Lives
RER - Rare Earth Reserves
RFTA - Recreation Fee Test Area
RFTP - Recreation Fee Test Project
RGM - Rural Groundwater Management
RI - Roadless Island
RK - River Keeper
RLC - Russian Land Code
RLEAP - Rural Land and Environmental Action Plan
RLGS - Recreation Land Grading and Shaping
RMDH - Restoration and Management of Declining Habitats
ROP - Real Or Perceived
ROS - Recreation Opportunity Spectrum
ROS - Reintroduction Of Species
ROS - Restoration Of Species
RRA - Resource Rich Areas
RRM - Roof Runoff Management
RS - Remnant Slough
RT - Revocable Trust
RTT - The Right To Travel
RU - Resource User
RWTL - Run With The Land
RZSPR - Riparian Zone of Selected Public land and Regions
SAW - Significantly Altered Wetlands
SBSP - Streambank and Shoreline Protection
SCB - Society for Conservation Biology (Reed Noss, co-author of The
Wildlands Project)
SCORP - Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan
SD - Stable Disagreement (also known as Consensus)
SEN - Sacred Earth Network
SEQR - State Environmental Quality Review
SFWMD - South Florida Water Management District
SGD - Scenic Greenways Districts
SGLM - Species Genetic Linkage Map
SHIM - Stream Habitat Improvement and Management
SIC - Significant Impact Concentrations
SLAPP - Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation
SLF - Significant Landscape Feature
SLM - Sound Land Management
SMA - Stormwater Management Authority
SNPLMA - Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act (1998)
SOMOT - Safe and Outstanding Memories Of Time (spent at Federal Sites -
SPARE - Smart growth Preservation, Acquisition, Restoration, End
commercial logging (Sierra Club)
SPIKE - Specially Prepared Individuals for Key Events
SPRFDP - Second Phase Recreation Fee Demonstration Program
SRA - Safe Resting Area (wildfowl)
SS - Settled Science (Kyoto Protocol)
SSC - Stream Segment of Concern
SSM - Single Species Management
SSP - Streambank and Shoreline Protection
STAR - Science To Achieve Results
STW - Schools-to-Work
SUCCEED - Southeastern University and College Coalition for Engineering
SWK - Subjected to Without Knowledge
SWMW - Shallow Water Management for Wildlife
SWSRGW - Stratospheric WELSBACH Seeding for Reduction of Global Warming
SYW - Surf Your Watershed
TAAS - Texas Assessment of Academic Skills test
TAS - Trust Among Stakeholders
TDM - Travel Demand Management
TDPHO - Total Duck Production Habitat Objective
TDR - Transfer of Development Rights
TFP - Transboundary Flathead Project
TIA - Takings Implication Assessment
TIES - The International Ecotourism Society
TMDL - Total Maximum Daily Load
TN - Trespass Notice
TOW - Transfer Of Wealth
TRIM - Terrain Resource Inventory Mapping
TRIP - Geneva Trade, Intellectual Property, Food and Biodiversity
TRIP - Trade-Related Intellectual Property (UN - CBD)
TRIP - Transboundary Resource and Inventory Program
TRM - The Ranching Myth
TRORE - The Realities Of Restoration Ecology
TWP - The Wildlands Project (Dave Foreman and Reed Noss, co-authors)
TWS - The Wall of Shame (eco-terrorists putting contact info of farmers
who had signed up for government programs, on the Internet)
UEE - Under the Eagle's Eye (U.S. Postal Service's customer surveillance
program) (similar to the KYC - Know Your Customer - surveillance of
banking customers)
UMRGLRJVIP - Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Region Joint
Venture Implementation Plan
UNCAPS - United Nations System Shared Cataloguing and Public Access
UNCBD - United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity
UNCC - The United Nations Conciliation Commission
UNCCD - United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
UNCED - United Nations Conference on Environment & Development (also
known as
Earth Summit II)(1992)
UNCEDAW - United Nations Convention to Eliminate All Forms of
Against Women
UNCHS - United Nations Center for Human Settlements
UNCITRAL - United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
UNCITSALW - United Nations Conference on Illicit Trade in Small Arms and
Light Weapons (2001)
UNCLOS - United Nations Conference on the Law Of the Sea
UNCRC - United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
UNCSTD - United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for
UNCSW - United Nations Conference on Small Arms (2001)
UNCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade And Development
UNCTC - United Nations Center on Transnational Corporations
UNDDA - United Nations Department for Disarmament Affairs
UNDEP - United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty
UNDESA - United Nations Division for Sustainable Development
UNDP - United Nations Development Program
UNDPI - United Nations Department of Public Information
UNEC - United Nations Economic Council
UNEF - United Nations Emergency Force (United Nations General Assembly,
established on 11-7-1956; first example in human history of an
international police force)
UNEP - United Nations Environmental Program
UNESC - United Nations Economic and Social Council
UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
UNESSD - United Nations Earth Summit on Sustainable Development (2002)
UNF - Unified Federal Policy
UNF - United Nations Foundation
UNFPA - United Nations Fund for Population Activities
UNGA - United Nations General Assembly
UNGASS - United Nations General Assembly Special Session
UNGEF - United Nations Global Environment Facility
UNHRC - United Nations Human Rights Commission
UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNICEF - United Nations International Children�s Emergency Fund
UNIDO - United National Industrial Development Organization
UNISIST - UNESCO�s World Science Information System
UNITAR - United Nations Institute for Training and Research
UNMS - United Nations Millennium Summit
UNPD - United Nations Procurement Division
UNPF - United Nations Population Fund
UNPFI - United Nations Pension Fund Investments
UNRC - United Nations Resident Coordinator (UN)
UNU - United Nations University
UPOV - Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants
UPP - User Pays Principle (IUCN)
URARPAR - Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition
Regulations (administered by the FHWA)
USA - United States of America (the country, not the COMPANY)
USGBC - United States Green Building Council
USNCMAB - United States National Committee for the Man and the Biosphere
USNHII - United States Network for Habitat II
UWHM - Upland Wildlife Habitat Management
VA - The Vail Agenda
VA - Visual Alteration
VA - Visual Analysis
VAC - Visual Absorption Capability
VACSEN Matrix - Visual Absorption Capability and Visual Sensitivity
VCC - Visual Condition Class
VEI - Visions for the Earth Initiative (Canada)
VLA - Visual Landscape Analysis
VLD - Visual Landscape Design
VLI - Visual Landscape Inventory
VLM - Visual Landscape Management
VM - Vocal Minority
VOR - Visual Obstruction Readings
VPP - Vest-Pocket Parks
VQC - Visual Quality Class
VQO - Visual Quality Objective
VR - Visual Resources
VRI - Visual Resources Inventory
VRU - Visual Resource Unit
VSA - Visually Sensitive Area
VSC - Visual Sensitivity Class
VSI - Visual Site Inspection
VSU - Visual Sensitivity Unit
VSURP - Visual Sensitivity Unit Rating Point
VSURPS - Visual Sensitivity Unit Rating Point System
VT - Visionary Thinker
WAP - Watershed Assessment and Protection
WASDE - World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates
WBGEF - World Bank Global Environment Facility
WBM - World Biosphere Management
WCARRD - World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (UN,
June, 1979)
WCMC - World Conservation Monitoring Center
WCNDR - World Conference on Natural Disaster Reduction (UN)
WCPR - Wildlands Center for Preventing Roads
WDRUP - Wildlife-Dependent Recreation Uses Policy (USFWS)
WESTFORNET - Western Forest Information Network (USFS)
WET - Wetland Evaluation Technique
WET - Whole Effluent Toxicity
WET - Water Education for Teachers
WFM - Weather as a Force Multiplier
WGIP - Working Group on Indigenous Populations (UN - WIPO - CHR)
WICEE - The Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy
(European think-tank for sustainable development and eco-efficiency)
WICEM - World Industry Conference on Environmental Management
WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization (UN, dealing with
copyrights, inventions and trademarks)
WMC - Wildlife Movement Corridor(s)
WMD - Waste Management Division
WMD - Water Management District
WMD - Weapons of Mass Destruction
WMD - Wetland Management District
WMP - Wet-Mesic Prairie
WON - Wonder Of Nature
WOP - Watercourse Overlay Protection
WOW - Wonderful Outdoor World
WPP - World Population Program
WRDS - Water Regulation in Drainage Systems
WRC - Wild Remnants of Creation
WRHC - Wabash River Heritage Corridor
WS - Wildlife Services (formerly known as Animal Damage Control)
WSCB - Water and Sediment Control Basin
WSL - World Species List
WSP - Wilderness Stewardship Policy (USFWS)
WSRS - Wild and Scenic River Segments (DOI inventory)
WTSM - Wildland Trust of Southeastern Massachusetts
WUS - Waters of the United States
WWHM - Wetland Wildlife Habitat Management
YNP - Yellowstone National Park (UN Biosphere Reserve)
Y2Y - Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative
ZERI - Zero Emissions Research Initiative (UN)
ZM - Zoning Management
ZPG - Zero Population Growth
ZR - Zoning Restriction(s)
Now, imagine ferreting out the OFFICIAL definition for as many of these
acronyms as possible, and THOUSANDS more, all of them in one way or
another on the topic of property rights. That is what is contained
in the Acronym Glossary, along with thousands of definitions, case and treaty law
summaries, and U.S. Code and Public Law.