Biography of Author

  Julie Kay Smithson is by nature a complex person.  She has a high school diploma and a “working woman’s PhD” with an inestimable amount of post-graduate study. 

 Her working career began shortly after her sixteenth birthday, with almost five years of enjoyable public relations work as a grocery store cashier, supplemented with work doing accounts payable and receivable for an electrician, filing and billing for both an insurance and a fence company, and having the impressive title and humbling wage of an “assistant trainer” for an Arabian horse farm! 

 Calling herself a dry sponge for knowledge, Julie amassed a sizable library of non-fiction, notable for its patriotic thread wending through the books on American History, biographies and autobiographies.

 Julie spent twenty-seven years behind the wheel of a tractor-trailer, plying the nation’s roads as a lady truck driver and accruing over three million accident-free miles.  For twenty-two of those years, she had a dual career as a pedigree researcher, breeder and trainer of purebred Arabian horses carrying a high percentage of the blood of the genetic sport,  *Raffles, a tiny but prepotent Arabian stallion bred in England, but with the blood of the Arabian desert running hotly in his veins.

 During the winter of 1998-99, Julie and her neighbors were apprised of the fact that they were living in a “Study Area,” for what was purported as a “proposed United States Fish and Wildlife Service National Wildlife Refuge.”  At public meetings, they were told that, if the project did not have “public support,” it would not continue.  From the three grassroots public opposition groups who formed to stop the process, and the hundreds of “NO DARBY REFUGE” signs that dotted the 54,000-acre landscape, it was readily apparent that local public sentiment was decidedly anti-refuge. 

 From the first day that Julie learned of the proposed wildlife refuge, she “could hear the clock ticking,” meaning that time was of the essence in learning all available information and disseminating that information. 

 In March 1999 a neighbor gave Julie a nine-year-old computer with “8 mgs of RAM.”  The computer-illiterate Miss Smithson soon learned the basics of her new knowledge tool, and the fondly nicknamed “dinosaur,” although far too slow to “get on the Internet before timing out,” was still useful for composing articles and letters to the editor, and sending and receiving e-mail.  For Internet searches, she had to make a drive “to town,” to a local library.

 A discovery was made when the book, Undue Influence, by the notable author Ron Arnold, was purchased and read.  “Following the money trail” seemed the best way to discover why the United States Fish and Wildlife Service was not “going away.”  In a late evening call to Mr. Arnold, Julie learned the amazing and troubling news that grants had been given to The Nature Conservancy by such non-governmental organizations as The George Gund Foundation (1989) and The Columbus Foundation (1992 and 1994), among others, to study the area in which Julie resided.  The eyebrow raising wording of the grant applications:  “For Darby Biosphere Reserve, including hiring Riverkeeper for citizen-based protection of the Big and Little Darby Creeks.”  Having no idea of the meaning of “Biosphere Reserve,” Julie was shocked by Ron Arnold’s response:  “It means you are in deep trouble.  That’s a United Nations designation!”

 This single statement, more than any other, began Julie’s quest for knowledge, “tools in the toolbox of the mind.”  She learned that The Nature Conservancy had a list of “Last Great Places,” of which they proudly proclaimed her neighborhood to be one.  She also learned that the distinction of being on that list was dubious, because every Last Great Place was also a United Nations Biosphere Reserve, or Bioreserve.  With the United Nations serving as the “umbrella” of the governments of the world, they were truly a foreign government in their own right.  Having America’s resources become collateral for a foreign government, to say of how or if America could use those resources, was and is a source of legitimate concern.  Now the ticking of the clock was more insistent and louder than ever!

 In August 1999 a website was formed:  -- now -- by a sixth generation farm owner whose property lay within the Study Area.  The boundaries had yet to be established, so no one could be certain of USFWS’ intent toward their home and land, but the entire Darby Creek watershed was in the crosshairs.

 It was during this time that Julie made some major lifestyle changes.  She resigned her twenty-seven year career as a truck driver and sold her beloved Arabian horses.  The decisions were not difficult for her to make, in view of the alternative: being forced from her home by USFWS and its seventy partners.  “The Founding Fathers put everything they had on the line -- even their lives -- for our country,” she explained.  “How could I do any less?”

 The idea for the workbook evolved during early 1999.  The language used mystified Julie and other people that attended public meetings sponsored by USFWS and other agencies.  The printed material available was also “Greek,” and unfathomable by even those who were paid to implement it.  The need to put together a glossary became apparent, and Julie began work on it in every spare moment.  The work you are viewing is her first book.

 An Ohio native, Julie lives in the rural west-central area of the state near London, enjoying life with her Blue Heeler dog companion. Julie is available to speak on property rights issues.  It is her hope that her words will provide an inspirational template for others who are seeking a way to put their thoughts into action!

Julie Kay Smithson

213 Thorn Locust Lane

London, OH  43140-8844 

[email protected]

740-857-1239 voice/message (no fax) 

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