Executive Orders Issued by President Bush
Date Executive Order
Oct. 7 Executive Order: Creating a Board of Inquiry to Report on Certain Labor Disputes Affecting the Maritime Industry of the United States
Sep. 18 Executive Order: Environmental Stewardship and Transportation Infrastructure Project Reviews
Aug. 29 Executive Order: Further Amending Executive Order 10173, as Amended, Prescribing Regulations Relating to the Safeguarding of Vessels, Harbors, Ports, and Waterfront Facilities of the United States
Aug. 13 Executive Order: Proper Consideration of Small Entities in Agency Rulemaking
Jul. 9 Executive Order Establishment of the Corporate Fraud Task Force
Jul. 3 Expedited Naturalization Executive Order
Jul. 3 Taliban Executive Order
Jun. 20 Executive Order
Jun. 20 Executive Order President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
Jun. 20 Executive Order Activities to Promote Personal Fitness
Jun. 6 Executive Order Amendment to Executive Order 13180, Air Traffic Performance-Based Organization
Apr. 29 President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health
Apr. 12 Executive Order -- 2002 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States
Mar. 21 Homeland Security Council Executive Order
Mar. 19 Executive Order Providing An Order of Succession in the Environmental Protection Agency and Amending Certain Orders on Succession
Feb. 12 Advisors for Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Feb. 7 Executive Order Amendment to Executive Order 13227, President's Commission on Excellence in Special Education
Jan. 30 Establishing the USA Freedom Corps
Jan. 17 Amendment to Executive Order 13223
Jan. 7 Exclusions from the Federal Labor-Management Relations Program
Dec. 28 Executive Order on Succession in the Department of Veterans Affairs
Dec. 28 Executive Order on Succession at the Department of State
Dec. 28 Executive Order on Succession at the Department of Labor
Dec. 28 Executive Order on Succession at the Department of Housing and Urban Development
Dec. 28 Executive Order on Succession at the Department of Health and Human Services
Dec. 28 Executive Order on Succession at the Department of Interior
Dec. 28 Executive Order on Succession at the Department of Commerce
Dec. 28 Executive Order on Succession at Department of Agriculture
Dec. 28 Executive Order: Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay
Dec. 28 Executive Order on Succession in Department of Treasury
Dec. 28 Executive Orders on Succession in Federal Agencies
Dec. 27 Normal Trade Relations Treatment Executive Order
Dec. 21 Council of Europe in Respect of the Group of States Against Corruption
Dec. 20 Executive Order Establishing An Emergency Board
Dec. 14 Afghanistan Combat Zone Executive Order
Dec. 6 Executive Order for Federal Government Closure on Dec 24
Nov. 28 Executive Order: Creation of the President's Council on Bioethics
Nov. 27 Executive Order Waiver of Dual Compensation Provisions of the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement Act of 1964
Nov. 16 National Emergency Construction Authority Executive Order
Nov. 13 President Issues Military Order
Nov. 9 Citizen Preparedness in War on Terrorism Executive Order
Oct. 22 Executive Order for Dept of Health and Human Services
Oct. 16 Executive Order on Critical Infrastructure Protection
Oct. 12 Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans Commission
Oct. 8 Executive Order Establishing Office of Homeland Security
Oct. 3 Executive Order on Excellence in Special Education
Oct. 1 Continuance of Federal Advisory Committees
Oct. 1 President Signs PCAST Executive Order
Sep. 24 Executive Order on Terrorist Financing
Sep. 14 President Orders Ready Reserves of Armed Forces to Active Duty
Aug. 17 Executive Order on Export Control Regulations
Jul. 31 Energy Efficient Standby Power Devices
Jul. 2 Executive Order
Jun. 20 President Bush Issues Executive Order Regarding 21st Century Workforce Initiative
Jun. 19 President Bush Issues Executive Order Regarding Community-Based Alternatives for Individuals with Disabilities
Jun. 6 Executive Order: Amendment To Executive Order 13125
Jun. 1 Executive Order
May 28 President's Task Force to Improve Health Care Delivery for Our Nation's Veterans
May 23 Executive Order: Additional Measures with Respect to Prohibiting the Importation of Rough Diamonds from Sierra Leone
May 18 Executive Order: Actions Concerning Regulations That Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use
May 18 Executive Order: Actions to Expedite Energy-Related Projects
May 2 Executive Order: President's Commission to Strengthen Social Security
Apr. 30 Executive Order: Establishment of the President's Task Force on Puerto Rico's Status
Apr. 6 Executive Order: Amendment to Executive Order 13202
Apr. 5 Executive Order: Further Amendment to Executive Order 10000
Apr. 4 Executive Order: Termination of Emergency Authority For Certain Export Controls
Mar. 9 Executive Order: Establishing an Emergency Board
Feb. 21 Executive Order on Preservation of Open Competition and Government Neutrality Towards Government Contractors' Labor Relations on Federal and Federally Funded Construction Projects
Feb. 21 Executive Order on Notification of Employee Rights Concerning Payment of Union Dues or Fees
Feb. 21 Executive Order: Revocation of Executive Order on Nondisplacement of Qualified Workers under Certain Contracts
Feb. 21 Executive Order and Presidential Memorandum Concerning Labor-Management Partnerships
Feb. 12 Executive Order on the President's Information Technology Advisory Committee
Jan. 29 Agency Responsibilities with Respect to Faith-Based and Community Initiatives
Jan. 29 Executive Order: Establishment of White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives