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Bardon v Northern Pac R Co. 12 S CT 856, 145 US 535, 538 36L, ED 806 - ‘It is well settled that all land to which any claim or rights of others is attached does not fall within the designation of public lands.’  United States Supreme Court Decision

"The United States is entirely a creature of the Constitution. Its power and authority have no other source. It can only act in accordance with all the limitations imposed by the Constitution." - Reid v Covert 354 US l, 1957, Supreme Court decision

A right undefended is a right waived. The protection of property rights is fundamentally the preservation of civil liberties. - Wayne Hage, February 13, 2001.

Stipulated Judgment – An agreement between the parties to a case that settles a case.  For example, if you and your spouse agree on all the matters about your divorce, you can submit a stipulated judgment to the court. The stipulated judgment must be signed by both you and your spouse, and will list your agreements about the division of property and debts, child and spousal support and child custody and visitation. Once the stipulated judgment is signed by the judge, it becomes the judgment in your case. – California Courts Self-Help Center Glossary. Interchangeable with Physical Solution.

"My recommendation to any concerned local property owner is to dash down to the court house and get their “exhaustive chain-of-title” completed!  I would also recommend that anybody testifying remind the county that the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution applies to all subdivisions of government.  A taking is reached when a government entity destroys the NET income from prohibiting some of the rights to USE the property.  A couple of things to remember about title:  an exhaustive chain-of-title creates FULL title, not color of title.  A title company only provides “color of title”.  Once you trace the property back to the patent or treaty of origin and collect all property transfer documents in between, you have obtained full title.  Then a property owner can, if they want to push the matter that far, tell the governing authority that they are not required to get their permits, etc., because they have full title.  If the governing body still wants to push the matter, the property owner can tell the entity to show up with their checkbook and expect to pay highest and best use value for the property.  In these battles, full title is your big stick." - Ramona Hage Morrison, daughter of Wayne and Jean Hage, Nevada ranchers. July 26, 2004