Casino Zonder Cruks

Collaboration: A Selected Bibliography

(Very Important Note: For those that understand Language Deception -- also known by various other titles, from �stalking horse� to �Hegelian Dialectic� to systems theory to �conflict resolution�, and many more -- such change agents as pen such things as collaboration documents do so with the knowledge that few people will realize their emotions are being targeted, their intellect, paralyzed. Here�s how it is used below: The word �collaboration� is used 160 times in this 43-page document. The word �collaborative� or variations of it are used 59 times. �Cooperation� is used 22 times. �Cooperative� is used 5 times. �Change� or its variations is used 30 times. �Coordination� is used 5 times. �Voluntary� is used 16 times. �Environment� or its variations is used 12 times. �Conservation� is employed just twice. �Community� or its variations are used 136 times. All right; now you know that your emotions are being used as a means to achieve an end, an agenda, a plan. Please use your intellects to discover how large the scope and how pervasive are the tentacles. It is good to keep in mind Hosea 4:6: �My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.�)


Annual Conference 2003

Dallas, Texas

Council on Foundations (COF)





We are delighted to provide attendees to the Council on Foundations 2003 Annual Conference with this compilation of references on collaboration in the nonprofit sector made possible by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.

The bibliography was compiled from a call for resources sent to the 2003 Annual Conference Planning Committee, the dozens of individuals who designed sessions for the conference, and the 38 affinity groups associated with the Council on Foundations.

While extensive, this bibliography is by no means exhaustive.

Every reference received was included in the bibliography if the bibliographic information could be verified.

The resulting selections are those that, in the judgments of the contributors, provide useful information for� grantmakers.

Certainly more materials exist on the topic and we hope that you, as a user, will add your favorites to this collection.

The individuals and institutions listed below provided significant numbers of references.

We particularly acknowledge their efforts on behalf of their colleagues, as well as the Council on Foundations Resource Center staff, for compiling, verifying and designing this bibliography.

Amherst H. Wilder Foundation

Publishing Center

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Consortium of Foundation Libraries

An Affinity Group of the Council on Foundations

Jamie W. Coniglio, M.L.S.

Director, Resource Center

Council on Foundations

Washington, D.C

Michael G. Munson

Coordinator, Information Services

Council on Foundations

Washington, D.C.

Abbott, Beverly, Pat Jordan, and Niaz Murtaza. �Interagency Collaboration for Children�s Mental Health Services: the San Mateo County Model for Managed Care.� Administration and Policy in Mental Health 22, no. 3 (1995): 301�313.

Abshire, Michael. �Making Successful Partnerships Better.� Corporate Philanthropy Report 17 (May 2002): 1, 3-5.

Abshire, Michael. �Partnerships Bring More to the Table.� Corporate Philanthropy Report 17 (July 2002): 1, 3-4.

Agranoff, Robert, and Valerie Lindsay. �Intergovernmental Management: Perspectives from Human Services Problem Solving at the Local Level.� Public Administration Review (May/June 1983): 227�237.

Alaszewski, Andy, and Larry Harrison. �Literature Review: Collaboration and Coordination Between Welfare Agencies.� British Journal of Social Work 18 (1988): 635�647.

Albrecht, Karl, and Ron Zemke. Service America. Homewood, Ill.: Dow Jones/Irwin, 1985.

Alexander, Jeffrey A., et al. �Leadership in Collaborative Community Health Partnerships.� Nonprofit Management & Leadership 12 (Winter 2001): 159-175.

�All for One and One for All: Pulling Together in Multi-Sector Partnerships.� Corporate Community Relations Letter 14 (September 1999): 1, 3-5, 8.

�Alliances: Strength in Numbers.� Advancing Philanthropy 9 (November-December 2002): 16-21, 43-44.

Altman, Lawrence. �New Method of Analyzing Health Data Stirs Debate.� New York Times. 21 August 1990: B5.

Alvarado, Audrey R. �State Level Policy: Growing Role for Nonprofit Associations.� Nonprofit Quarterly 7 (December 2000): 22-5.

American Library Association. �Information Literacy Issues and Initiatives in Education, Government, Business and Industry: A Bibliography of Articles and Items from Non-Library Literature.� 2002. Available from:

Andress, Shelby, and Eugene C. Roehlkepartain. Working Together for Youth: A Practical Guide for Individuals and Groups. Minneapolis, Minn.: Lutheran Brotherhood, 1993.

Andrews, Cynthia, et al. �Collaboration between state welfare and child welfare agencies.� 2002. Available from:

Angelica, Emil. The Wilder Nonprofit Field Guide to Crafting Effective Mission and Vision Statements. Saint Paul, Minn.: Amherst H. Wilder Foundation, 2001.

Angelica, Marion Peters. Resolving Conflict in Nonprofit Organizations: The Leader's Guide to Finding Constructive Solutions. Saint Paul, Minn.: Amherst H. Wilder Foundation, 1999.

Aronstein, David M., and Michael A. Connolly. �Access to Life-Saving Medicine: A Collaboration Between a Not-For-Profit HIV Clinical Research Agency, a State Public Health Department, and For-Profit Pharmaceutical Companies.� In Crossing the Borders: Collaboration and Competition Among Nonprofits, Business and Government. Washington, D.C.: Independent Sector, 1999.

Arsenault, Jane. Forging Nonprofit Alliances: A Comprehensive Guide to Enhancing your Mission through Joint Ventures and Partnerships, Management Service Organizations, Parent Corporations, Mergers. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. 1998.

Ashman, Darcy. �Promoting Corporate Citizenship in the Global South: Towards a Model of Empowered Civil Society Collaboration with Business.� IDR Reports 16, no. 3 (2000).

Aspen Roundtable on Comprehensive Community Initiatives. �Voices from the Field.� 2003. Available from:

Atkinson, Philip. Creating Culture Change: Key to Successful Total Quality Management. London: IFS Publications, 1990.

Atkisson, Alan. �The Innovation Diffusion Game: A Tool for Encouraging Participation in Positive Cultural Change.� In Context, no. 28 (Spring 1991): 58.

Auluck, Randhir, and Paul Iles. �The Referral Process: A Study of Working Relationships Between Antenatal Clinic Nursing Staff and Hospital Social Workers and Their Impact on Asian Women.� British Journal of Social Work 21 (1991): 41�61.

Austin, James E. The Collaboration Challenge: How Nonprofits and Businesses Succeed Through Strategic Alliances. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2000.

Austin, James E. �Strategic Collaboration Between Nonprofits and Businesses.� Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 29(1) (2000): Supplement, 69-97.

Axelrod, Susan L. �Getting Together: When Four Heads Are Better Than One.� Advancing Philanthropy 2 (Fall 1994): 41-42.

Ayre, David, et al. Facilitating Community Change. Boulder, Colo.: Community Initiatives, Inc., 2000.

Ayre, David, et al. Trendbenders: Building Healthy and Vital Communities. Chicago: Health Research and Educational Trust, 2002.

Backer, Thomas E., and John Bare. �Scanning the Environment for Philanthropic Best Practice Systems.� Foundation News & Commentary 40 (November-December 1999): 25-28.

Bailey, D., and K. M. Koney. �Community-Based Consortia: One Model for Creation and Development.� Journal of Community Practice 2, no. 1 (1995): 21�42.

���. �An Integrative Framework for Evaluation of Community-Based Consortia.� Evaluation and Program Planning 18, no. 3 (1995): 245�257.

���. �Interorganizational Community-Based Collaboratives: A Strategic Response to Shape the Social Work Agenda.� Social Work 41, no. 6 (1996): 602�611.

���. Strategic Alliances Among Health and Human Services Organizations. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications, Inc., 2000.

Baker, William A., and Miriam P. Kluger. Innovative Leadership in the Nonprofit Organizations: Strategies for Change. Washington, D.C.: Child Welfare League of America, 1993.

Bartling, Charles E. �Core Currencies.� Association Management 50 (October 1998): 39-41.

Bartling, Charles E. Strategic Alliances for Nonprofit Organizations. Washington, D.C.: American Society for Association Executives, 1998.

Bastien, David T., and Todd J. Hostager. �Jazz as a Process of Organization Innovation.� Minneapolis Star Tribune. 23 October 1988

Batchilder, Melissa. �Sharing Space and Saving Money: Community Buildings Bind Organization's Strength.� NonProfit Times 11 (September 1997): 1, 6, 11.

Belzer, Ruth. Opportunities and Pitfalls in Public/Private Collaborations. Grand Haven, Mich.: Council of Michigan Foundations, 1989. Audiocassette.

Bennis, Warren, and Patricia Ward. Organizing Genius: The Secrets of Creative Collaboration. New York: Addison-Wesley, 1997.

Bennis, Warren. Why Leaders Can�t Lead. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1989.

Benson, Barbara. �Nonprofits Uniting to Knit Network for Medical Data.� Crain's New York Business 11 (31 July-6 August 1995): 8.

Benson, Lee, Ira Harkavy, and John Puckett. �An Implementation Revolution as a Strategy for Fulfilling the Democratic Promise of University-Community Partnerships: Penn-West Philadelphia as an Experiment in Progress.� Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 29 (March 2000): 24-60.

Benton Foundation. �Partners in Public Service: Models for Collaboration.� 2003. Available from:

Berger, Renee. �Building Community Partnerships: Vision, Cooperation, Leadership.� National Civic Review 72 (May 1983): 249-255.

Berger, Renee A. �Teamworks.� Minnesota Council on Foundations. 27 September 1989. Speech.

Berkowitz, B., and T. Wolff. The Spirit of the Coalition. Washington, D.C.: American Association of Public Health, 2000.

Berlinger, Lisa R., Hall, Peter Dobkin. Assessing the Effectiveness of Cross-Sector Programs in an Age of Devolution: A Call to Action for Organizational Scholars. New Haven, Conn.: Institution for Social and Policy Studies. 1997.

Bernard, Bonnie. �Working Together: Principles of Effective Collaboration.� Prevention Forum (October 1989): 4.

Bernstein, Philip. Best Practices of Effective Nonprofit Organizations: A Practitioner�s Guide. New York: Foundation Center, 1997.

�Beyond Borders: Foundations that Promote Partnership and Cooperation with Foreign Countries.� Foundation Giving Watch 17 (November 1997): 1-2.

Bierly, Eugene W. �The World Climate Program: Collaboration and Communication on a Global Scale.� The Annals 495 (1998): 106�116.

Billitteri, Thomas J. �Organizing Better Links to Labor.� Chronicle of Philanthropy 25 March 1999: 1, 9-10, 12.

Billitteri, T. J. �United Ways Seek a New Identity.� The Chronicle of Philanthropy 12, no. 10 (2000): 1, 21, 23�26.

Birenbaum, Arnold. �Building Coalitions: Lessons from the Field of Disability.� Nonprofit World 12 (March-April 1994): 39-42.

Blake, Robert, and Jane Mouton. Consultation. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1976.

Blanchard, Ken, et al. Empowerment Takes More Than a Minute. New York: MJF Books, 1996.

Blank, R.M. It Takes a Nation: A New Agenda for Fighting Poverty. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1997.

Block, Carolyn Rebecca, Barbara Engel, Sara M. Naureckas, and Kim A. Riordan. �The Chicago Women�s Health Risk Study.� Violence Against Women 5, no. 10 (1999): 1158�1177.

Block, Peter. Flawless Consulting. San Diego: Pfeiffer, 1981.

Blockson, L.C., and H.J. VanBuren III. �Strategic Alliances among Different Institutions: an Argument for Multi-Sector Collaboration in Addressing Societal Issues.� In Crossing the Borders. Alexandria, VA: Independent Sector Spring Research Forum, 1999.

Bob, Daniel E., Japan Society, and SRI International. Japanese Companies in American Communities: Cooperation, Conflict and the Role of Corporate Citizenship. New York: Japan Society. 1990.

Booth, Kathy. Culture Builds Communities: A Guide to Partnership Building and Putting Culture to Work on Social Issues. Washington, D.C.: Partners for Livable Communities. 1995.

Boris, Elizabeth T. Nonprofits & Government: Collaboration & Conflict. Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute, 1999.

Bosworth, Patricia. �Rebel with a Purse.� Vanity Fair (December 2000): 250, 252, 257-258, 260-263, 264, 266, 268.

Bradshaw, Ted. �Complex Community Development Projects: Collaboration, Comprehensive Programs, and Community Coalitions in Complex Society.� Community Development Journal 35, no. 2 (2000): 133.

Brick, Philip, Don Snow, and Sarah Van de Wetering, eds. Across the Great Divide: Explorations in Collaborative Conservation and the American West. Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 2001.

Bridges, William. Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change. Cambridge, Mass.: Perseus Books, 1991.

Brinkerhoff, Derick W. �Exploring State-Civil Society Collaboration: Policy Partnerships in Developing Countries.� Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 28 (supplement 1999): 59-86.

Brodhead, Tim. �Coming of Age: the Dating Game.� Philanthropist/Le Philanthrope 14 (September 1998): 49-57.

Brody, Deborah A. �In for the Long Haul in the Capital City.� Foundation News & Commentary 42 (November-December 2001): 32-34.

Brown, Cherie R. The Art of Coalition Building: A Guide for Community Leaders. New York: The American Jewish Committee, 1984.

Brown, Christopher C. �Bibliography on Collaboration.� Prepared for Cultural Heritage Collaboration in the Digital Age. 2001. Available from:

Brown, P., and S. Garg. �Foundations and Comprehensive Community Initiatives: The Challenges of Partnership.� 1997. Available from:

Brown, Prue et al. Toward Greater Effectiveness in Community Change: Challenges and Responses for Philanthropy. Chicago: Chapin Hall Center for Children at the University of Chicago, 2002. Draft.

Brumburgh, Scott, et al. �Literature Review and Model Framework of Nonprofit Capacity Building.� In Innovation Network. Washington, D.C.: Environmental Support Center, 2000.

Bruner, Charles. Defining the Prize: from Agreed-Upon Outcomes to Results-Based Accountability. Des Moines, Iowa: National Center for Service Integration Clearinghouse, 1998.

_______. Realizing a Vision for Children, Families, and Neighborhoods: An Alternative to Other Modest Proposals. Des Moines, Iowa: National Center for Service Integration, 1996.

_______. Thinking Collaboratively: Ten Questions and Answers to Help Policy Makers Improve Children�s Services. Washington, D.C.: Education and Human Services Consortium, 1991.

Bryson, John M. Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1995.

Bryson, John M., and Barbara S. Crosby. Leadership for the Common Good: Tackling Public Problems in a Shared-Power World. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1992.

Buhl, Alice. Patterns of Cooperation Among Grantmakers. Washington, D.C.: Council on Foundations, 1991.

Buhl, Alice C. Grantmakers Cooperating and Collaborating. Grand Haven, Mich.: Council of Michigan Foundations, 1991.

Buhl, Alice C. Negotiation and Collaboration. Grand Haven, Mich.: Council of Michigan Foundations, 1992.

�Building Blocks for the Future: Strengthening Public Policy Communications and Collaboration in the Nonprofit Sector: Findings and Recommendations from the NonProfit America Planning Phase.� Washington, D.C.: OMB Watch, 1997.

Building Network: Cooperation as a Strategy for Success in a Changing World. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., 1984.

Burke, Kenneth E., and Rebecca S. Reardon. �Competition or Collaboration: Redefining Success.� Advancing Philanthropy 2 (Fall 1994): 13-16.

Burke-Robertson, Jane. �Strategic Alliances in the Voluntary Sector in Canada.� Philanthropist/Le Philanthrope 17 (June 2002): 49-74.

Burt, M. R., P. Resnick, and E. R. Novick. Building Supportive Communities for At-Risk Adolescents. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 1998.

Byrd, Alicia D., ed. Philanthropy and the Black Church. Washington, D.C.: Council on Foundations, 1990.

Campbell, Colin G., and Priscilla Lewis. �Challenges of International Grantmaking.� New Directions for Philanthropic Fundraising 23 (Spring 1999): 69-83.

Campbell, David. �High End Strategic Alliances as Fundraising Opportunities.� Chap. 16 in Secrets of Successful Fundraising, by Carol Weisman. St. Louis, Mo.: F.E. Robbins & Sons Press, 2000.

Campbell, Jacquelyn C., Jacqueline Dienemann, Joan Kub, Terri Wurmser, and Ellyn Loy. �Collaboration as a Partnership.� Violence Against Women 5, no. 10 (1999): 1140�1157.

Canales, James E., Barbara D. Kibbe, and Natasha Terk. �One Step Beyond Strategic Planning.� Foundation News & Commentary 41 (September-October 2000): 41-43.

Annie E. Casey Foundation. �A Model for Public and Private Child Welfare Partnership: Executive Summary.� [2001?]. Available from:

______. �The Path of Most Resistance.� 1995. Available from:

���. �Evaluating Comprehensive Community Change.� 1997.

Available from:

���. �The Eye of the Storm.� 1998. Available from:

______.�The Pathways to Juvenile Detention Reform Series.� s.d. Available from:

______. �Library Resources on Collaboration.� Annie E. Casey Foundation

Library Web Catalog. Available from:


Causer, Craig. �Getting Corporate Cooperation.� NonProfit Times 13 (October 1999): 1, 8, 38.

Center for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence. Report of a Workshop Sponsored by the National Science Foundation, in Cooperation with the University of Southern Mississippi, Institute of Marine Sciences. Seattle, Wash.: University of Washington, 2000.

Center for the Study of Social Policy. �Changing Governance to Achieve Better Results for Children and Families.� 1995. Available from:

���. The New Futures Initiative: A Mid-Point Review. Washington, D.C: Center for the Study of Social Policy, 1991.

Chalmers, Alan F. What Is This Thing Called Science? Buckingham, England: Open University Press, 1999.

Challenge and Change: Creating a New Era of Collaboration in Adult Continuing Education. DeKalb, IL: LEPS Press, Northern Illinois University, 1992.

Chandler Center for Community Leadership. �Community Based Collaboration: Community Wellness Multiplied.� n.d. Available from:

Changing Roles, Changing Relationships: The New Challenge for Business, Nonprofit Organizations, and Government. Washington, D.C.: Independent Sector, 2000.

Chin, George and John Carroll. �Articulating collaboration in a learning community.� Behaviour and Information Technology 19, no. 4 (2000): 233-246.

Chaskin, R. J., and S. Garg. �The Issue of Governance in Neighborhood-Based Initiatives.� 1994. Available from:

Chaskin, R., and A. Abunimah. �A View from the City: Local Government Perspectives on Neighborhood-Based Governance in Community-Building Initiatives.� 1997. Available from:

Chaskin, R. �Defining Community Capacity: The Framework and Implications from a Comprehensive Community Initiative.� 1999. Available from:

Chrislip, David D. The Collaborative Leadership Fieldbook: A Guide for Citizens and Civic Leaders. 1st ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 2002.

Chrislip, David D. and Carl E. Larson. Collaborative Leadership: How Citizens and Civic Leaders Can Make a Difference. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1994.

Chynoweth, Judith K., et al. Experiments in Systems Change: States Implement Family Policy. Washington, D.C.: Council of Governors� Policy Advisors, 1992.

Clary, Diana H.; Mark Mitchell, and Duncan Bailey. �Looking for a Win-Win Partnership? Look to the University!� Nonprofit World 18 (July-August 2000): 28-30, 32.

Coe, Barbara. �Open Focus: Implementing Projects in Multi-Organizational Settings.� International Journal of Public Administration 11, no. 4 (1998): 503�526.

Cohen, Arthur M., and R. Douglas Smith. The Critical Incident in Growth Groups: Theory and Technique. San Diego: University Associates, 1976.

Cohen, Larry, Nancy Baer, and Pam Satterwhite. Developing Effective Coalitions: An Eight-Step Guide. Pleasant Hill, California: Contra Costa Health Services Department, 1991. Unpublished.

Cohen, Todd. �Breeding Philanthropies: New Incubator Will Hatch Foundations.� NonProfit Times 16 (1 February 2002): 34-35.

Cohen, Todd. �Donor Service Foundations Relying on Technology.� NonProfit Times 13 (November 1999): 58, 60, 66.

Collaboration: Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action. The Vital Link Across Practice, Research and the Disciplines. Indianapolis, Ind.: Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, 1991.

�Collaboration and Conflict: Selected Readings on Collaboration.� Selected readings for Participants of the 1991 Annual Meeting of Independent Sector. Washington, D.C.: n.p., 1991.

�Collaboration Process.� National Assembly of National Voluntary Health and Social Welfare Organizations. s.l.: Camp Fire, Inc., n.d.

Collaboration with the Public Sector: Pay-Offs and Pitfalls. Kansas City, Mo.: The Reel Thing, Inc., 1986. Audiocassette.

Collaborative Models in Service Delivery. Grand Haven, Mich.: Council of Michigan Foundations, 1993. Audiocassette.

The Community Collaboration Manual. Washington, D.C.: National Assembly of National Health and Social Welfare Organizations, 1991.

�Connecting Community Service & Corporate Culture.� Board Member 7 (November-December 1998): 6-8.

Connolly, Paul, and L. C. Klein. Looking Ahead and Embracing Change: How Nonprofit Organizations Can Prepare for the Future. Philadelphia, Pa.: The Conservation Company, 1999.

Connolly, Paul, and Carol Lukas. Strengthening Nonprofit Performance: A Funder�s Guide to Capacity Building. Saint Paul, Minn.: Amherst H. Wilder Foundation, 2003.

Connor, Joseph A., C. H. Ventrelle, and Stephanie Kadel-Taras. �Learning from Funder Collaboratives.� Foundation News & Commentary 41, no. 2 (March/April 2000): 44�47.

Connor, Joseph A., Chrissa Harley Ventrelle, and Stephanie Kadel-Taras. �Putting Heads Together.� Foundation News & Commentary 41 (March-April 2000): 44-47.

Connor, Joseph A., and Stephanie Kadel-Taras. Community Visions, Community Solutions: Grantmaking for Comprehensive Impact. Saint Paul, Minn.: Amherst H. Wilder Foundation, 2003.

���. �Organizing Community Work to Reach Solutions.� PNNOnline. 2000. Available from:

���. �The Community Support Organization: Linking Not-for-Profits to Community Impact.� The Not-for-Profit CEO Monthly Letter 7, no. 8 (June 2000): 1�3.

���. �From Board Governance to Community Governance.� Board Member 9, no. 3 (March 2000): 6�7.

���. �Relevant Review: Book Review of Letts, Ryan, and Grossman�s High Performance Nonprofit Organizations: Managing Upstream for Greater Impact.� Nonprofit World 18, no. 4 (July/August 2000): 38�39.

Connor, Joseph A., Stephanie Kadel-Taras, Diane Vinokur-Kaplan. �The Role of Nonprofit Management Support Organizations in Sustaining Community Collaborations.� Nonprofit Management & Leadership 10 (Winter 1999): 127-136.

Cook, Lauren, Judy Chynoweth. �Inside a Collaboration: Grantmaking that Changes the Rules.� Foundation News & Commentary 36 (May-June 1995): 21-23.

Cook, Thomas D., Harris Cooper, David S. Cordray, Heidi Hartmann, Larry V. Hedges, Richard J. Light, Thomas A. Louis, and Frederick Mosteller. Meta-Analysis for Exploration. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1992.

Cooper, Harris, and Larry V. Hedges, eds. The Handbook of Research Synthesis. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1994.

Coston, Jennifer M. �A Model and Typology of Government-NGO Relationships.� Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 27 (September 1998): 358-382.

Council of Michigan Foundations. Collaboration: A Bibliography. Grand Haven, Mich.: Council of Michigan Foundations, 1997.

Council on Foundations. Collaborations and Community Foundations: What it Takes. La Crescenta, California: Audio Archives, 1995. Audiocassette.

______. Cooperation Among Grantmakers: A Guide to Cooperative Associations of Foundations and Corporate Contributors. Washington, D.C.: Council on Foundations, 1976.

______. Corporate Public/Private Partnerships: Is It a New Time? Washington, D.C.: Council on Foundations, 1986. Occasional Paper.

______. External Relations: Collaborative Opportunities. La Crescenta, California: Audio Archives, 1994. Audiocassette.

______. Family Philanthropy and Creative Democracy: One Family�s Experience. Washington, D.C.: Council on Foundations, 1996.

______. Fostering Nonprofit Collaboration: What is the Role of the Community Foundation? La Crescenta, California: Audio Archives, 1995. Audiocassette.

______. �Grantmakers Join Church Rebuilding Effort.� Council Columns 15 (July 1996): 1-2.

______. Moving through and beyond Identity: Collaboration for Social Change Philanthropy. La Crescenta, California: Audio Archives, 1999. Audiocassette.

______. The Philanthropy of Organized Religion. Washington, D.C.: Council on Foundations, 1985.

______. The Teen Parent Collaboration: A Cooperative Venture between National and Community Foundations. Washington D.C.: Council on Foundations, 1985.

______. Working with Financial Institutions: Creative Collaborations. La Crescenta, California: Audio Archives, 2000. Audiocassette.

______. Working with Investment Firms: A Guide for Community Foundations. Washington, D.C.: Council on Foundations, 1994.

Cox, Gary. Model Agreement for Children�s Collaboratives in Minnesota. Saint Paul, Minn.: Minnesota Department of Human Services, January 1998.

�Creating Grants Consortium Yields Stronger Applications, Additional Funding Opportunities.� Health Grants Funding Alert 21 (June 1998): 1-3.

Dalrymple, Martha. The AIA Story: Two Decades of International Cooperation. New York: American International Association for Economic and Social Development, 1968.

Dalton, Anne R. �Advocates for Change.� Journal of Volunteer Administration (Spring 1992): 10-17.

Danegger, E. A., D. C. Hayes, and E. Lipoff. �A Look at Costs, Benefits, and Financing Strategies.� 1995. Available from:

Davidson, Stephen. �Planning and Coordination of Social Services in Multiorganizational Contexts.� Social Service Review 50 (1976): 117�137.

Dayton, Carol, Georgia J. Anetzberger, and Doris Matthey. �A Model for Service Coordination Between Mental Health and Adult Protective Services.� Journal of Mental Health and Aging 3, no. 3 (1997): 295�308.

Deliberate Disadvantage : A Case Study of Race Relations in the San Francisco Bay Area. Oakland, California: Applied Research Center, 1996.

Dent, Stephen M. Partnering Intelligence: Creating Value for your Business by Building Strong Alliances. Palo Alto, California: Davies-Black Publishing, 1999.

Detroit Community Development Funders� Collaboratives: Program evaluation: Year Five. Detroit, Stockard & Engler & Brigham and the OMG Center for Collaborative Learning, 2000.

Detroit Community Development Funders� Collaborative Program Evaluation Year Three. Detroit: Stockard, Engler, Brigham and the OMG Center, 1998.

Dewar, Thomas. A Guide to Evaluating Asset-Based Community Development: Lessons, Challenges, and Opportunities. Chicago, IL: ACTA Publications, 1997.

Dickey, Marilyn. �Making a Merger Go Smoothly for Nonprofit Workers.� Chronicle of Philanthropy 20 June 2002.

Dolch, Norman A. �Leadership in Collaboration: Applying the Connective Leadership Model.� Journal for Nonprofit Management 3 (Summer 1999): 1-15.

Doll, William. �Cooperation in Cleveland.� Foundation News 25 (September-October 1984): 66-71.

Doyle, Liam P., ed. Funding Europe's Solidarity: Resourcing Foundations, Associations, Voluntary Organizations and NGOs in the Member States of the European Union. Brussels, Belgium: Association for Innovative Cooperation in Europe, 1996.

Doyle, Michael, and David Straus. How to Make Meetings Work: Tools for Facilitating Collaborative Engagements. New York: Jove Press, 1976.

Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management, Peter F. Meeting the Collaboration Challenge. San Francisco, California: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 2002. Videocassette.

Drucker, Peter F. Meeting the Collaboration Challenge Workbook: Developing Strategic Alliances Between Nonprofit Organizations and Businesses. San Francisco, California: Jossey-Bass, Chichester : Wiley, 2002.

Drucker, Peter F. �Meeting the Collaboration Challenge Workbook: Developing Strategic Alliances Between Nonprofit Organizations and Businesses.� 2002. �Available from:

Dukes, E. Franklin, Marina A. Piscolish, and John B. Stephens. Reaching for Higher Ground in Conflict Resolution: Tools for Powerful Groups and Communities. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2000.

Dundjerski, Marina. �Foundations Offer Shelter to Charities.� Chronicle of Philanthropy. 2 October 1997: 9-13.

Dunide, Margaret and Maggie Nash. Building Effective Collaboratives. Grand Haven, Mich.: Council of Mich. Foundations, 1989.

Dunkle, Margaret C., and Stephanie A. Surles. Mixed Results: Lessons Learned From a Case Study of Interagency Collaboration. Washington, D.C.: The Institute for Educational Leadership, 1998.

Dyer, B. The Oregon Option: Early Lessons from a Performance Partnership on Building Results- Driven Accountability. 1996. Available from:

Eadie, Douglas C. Changing by Design: A Practical Approach to Leading Innovation in Nonprofit Organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1997.

______. Meeting the Change Challenge: The Executive�s Guide to Leading Change in the Nonprofit World. Washington, D.C.: American Society of Association Executives, 1996.

Ehrle, Jennifer. �Welfare Reform and Opportunities for Collaboration between Welfare and Child Welfare Agencies.� 2001. Available from:

Eisenberg, Pablo. �Separate, We Lose.� Nonprofit Quarterly 7 (December 2000): 26-27, 29-30.

El Ansari, Walid and Ceri Phillips. �Interprofessional collaboration: a stakeholder approach to evaluation of voluntary participation in community partnerships.� Journal of Interprofessional Care 15, no. 4 (2001): 351-368.

Emerhiser, Walgren King, and Penkert Joffe. Networks, Mergers, & Partnerships in a Managed Care Environment. Washington, D.C.: Child Welfare League of America, 1998.

Emery, Leslie Sansom, ed. Gold Book: Success Stories in Nonprofit Management. Washington, D.C.: Alliance for Nonprofit Management. 1999.

Empowering Learners Collaborative. Empowerment Through Collaboration: Learnings from a Literacy Collaborative. Saint Paul, Minn.: United Way of the Saint Paul Area, 1992.

�Everyone Wants to Know More About Strategic Alliances.� Nonprofit Notes 12 (Winter 2000): 1, 15.

Faber, Daniel R., and Deborah McCarthy. Green of Another Color: Building Effective Partnerships Between Foundations and the Environmental Justice Movement. Washington, D.C.: Aspen Institute. 2001.

Farrell, Michael P. Collaborative Circles: Friendship Dynamics and Creative Work. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001.

Felty, D. W., and M. B. Jones. �Human Services at Risk.� Social Service Review 72, no. 2 (1998): 192�208.

Finance Project. �Business Process Redesign.� 2000. Available from:

���. �Community Systems.� 2000. Available from:

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Selected List of Funder Collaborations

Organization / Project Title Web Site (if available)

� Annenberg Challenge

� Aspen Roundtable on Comprehensive Community Initiatives

� Change Purpose, Strategic Alliance Fund

� Chicago Arts Partnerships in Education

� Chicago School Reform Collaborative

� Child Care and Early Education Fund

� Coalition of Community Foundations for Youth

� Collaboration of Environmental Funders in Maine

� Consultative Group on Biological Diversity

� Donors� Education Collaborative (NYC)

� Early Childhood Funder Collaborative (NYC)

� East Bay Funders for Base Conversion

� East Bay Public Safety Corridor Project

� Energy Foundation

� Environmental Funders Group (Chicago)

� Environmental Law & Policy Center�s Transportation and Land use Reform Grassroots Fund

� EZ/EC Foundation

� Finance Project

� Forum of Regional Association of Grantmakers: New Ventures in Philanthropy

� Foundation Consortium (CA)

� Funders Concerned about AIDS

� Funders� Forum on Antibiotic Resistance

� Fund for Immigrants and Refugees (Chicago)

� Health and Environmental Funders Network

� Hispanics in Philanthropy

� Initiative on Culture, Arts & Education (Cleveland)

� Los Angeles Urban Funders

� National AIDS Fund

� National Community Development Initiative

� National Funding Collaborative on Violence Prevention

� National Rural Funders� Collaborative

� Neighborhood 2000 Fund (New York)

� Neighborhood Funders Group

� New England Grassroots Environment Fund

� Northern California Grantmakers

� Ohio Grantmakers Forum

� Partnership for Neighborhood Initiatives (Florida)

� Partnership for Regional Livability

� Resourceful Women

� Social Venture Partners

� Sustainable Everglades Initiative

� Sustainable Forestry Partnership

� Transportation Funders� Group


