Casino Zonder Cruks


U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Fiscal Year 2004 Budget Justifications


Table of Contents


2004 Budget Request
General Statement 1
Organization Chart 2
Regional Offices Map 3
Overview of Fiscal Year 2004 Request 5


Appropriation: Resource Management
  Appropriations Language & Authorizing Statutes 35
  Justification of Uncontrollable Changes/Internal Transfers 47
  Summary of Requirements 49


  Ecological Services
    Overview Table 53
    Endangered Species 55
    Habitat Conservation 93
    Environmental Contaminants 121
  National Wildlife Refuge System
    Overview Table 129
    National Wildlife Refuge Map 130
    National Wildlife Refuge System Operations 131
    RONS Project List 166
    National Wildlife Refuge System Maintenance 191
  Migratory Birds and Law Enforcement
    Overview Table 209
    Migratory Bird Management 211
  Law Enforcement
    Law Enforcement 237
    Fisheries Overview 247
    Fish Hatchery Operations and Maintenance 251
    National Fish Hatchery System Map 252
    FONS Project List 264
    Fish and Wildlife Management Assistance 303
    Fish and Wildlife Management Assistance Stations Map 307
  General Operations
    Overview Table 329/td>
    Central Office Operations 330
    Regional Office Operations 339
    Operational Support 343
    Cost Allocation Methodology 346
    National Conservation Training Center 353
    National Fish and Wildlife Foundation 356
    Cooperative Conservation Initiative 357
    International Affairs 359
    International Affairs - International Conservation 371
    Tables 247
         Summary of Requirements by Object Class 379
         Analysis of Budgetary Resources by Activity 380
         Program & Financing Schedules/Object Class/Personnel Summary 381


Appropriation: Construction
  Appropriation Language and Authorization Statutes 263
  Justification of Uncontrollable Changes/Internal Transfers 266
  Construction Program Overview 268
  Comprehensive Construction Funding Table 268
  Project Justifications 284
  Tables 309
Summary of Requirements
Analysis of Budgetary Resources by Activity
Program & Financing Schedules/Object Class/Personnel Summary
Appropriation: Land Acquisition
  Appropriation Language and Authorizing Statutes 317
  Justification of Uncontrollable Changes/Internal Transfers 319
  Land Acquisition Program Overview 321
  Outlook for New Refuge Acquisitions 334
  Update on Land Exchanges 335
  Summary Table/Land Acquisition Project Table 1 339
  Land Acquisition Project Justifications (Table 2) 387
  Tables 487
Summary of Requirements
Analysis of Budgetary Resources by Activity
Program & Financing Schedules/Object Class/Personnel Summary


Appropriation: Landowner Incentive Program 401
Appropriation: Private Stewardship Grant Program 407
Appropriation: Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund 411
Appropriation: National Wildlife Refuge Fund 425
Appropriation: North American Wetlands Conservation Fund 433
Appropriation: Multinational Species Conservation Fund 443
Appropriation: Neotropical Migratory Bird Grants 453
Appropriation: State and Tribal Wildlife Grant Fund 459
Sport Fish Restoration Account 467
Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration 487
Migratory Bird Conservation Account 499
Recreational Fee Demonstration Program 513
Contributed Funds 523
Miscellaneous Permanent Appropriations 529


Miscellaneous Data
  Administrative Provisions 535
  Allocations from Other Accounts 536
  Employee Count by Grade 537
  Cost Allocation from Non-Resource Management Accounts 538


RONS Project List for Refuge Operations  
Field Station List  

Budget Home Page
Fish and Wildlife Service
FWS Budget Home Page:
Department of Interior Budget Home Page:

Table of Contents


Departmental Overview
     Budget Overview for 2005
          The Numbers
          Supporting the Department's Mission
          Major Initiatives in the 2005 Budget
          Other Major Changes (by Bureau)

Departmental Highlights
     Resource Protection
          Reclaiming Abandoned Coal Mines
          Landscape and Watershed Restoration
          Cooperative Conservation Initiative
          Cooperative Conservation Grant Programs
          Maintaining parts and Preserving Heritage
          Departmental Monitoring Programs
          Sustaining Biological Communities

     Resource Use
          Water Delivery
          Timber Management
          Energy and Minerals

          Full Funding of the LWCF
          Park Visitation
          Recreation One-Stop
          Recreational Fee Program
          Volunteer Programs

     Serving Communities
          Fulfilling Trust Responsibilities
                Unified Trust Budget
          Serving Tribal Communities
          Protecting Lives, Resources, and Property
                Wildland Fire
                Law Enforcement
          Science for Communities

     Management Excellence
          Strategic Plan
          Customer Value

Bureau Highlights
Departmental Offices

          Appendix A: Comparison of 2003, 2004, and 2005 Budget Authority
          Appendix B: 2005 Request by Mission Goals
          Appendix C: Maintaining America's Heritage
          Appendix D: Construction Program
          Appendix E: Conservation Spending Category
          Appendix F: Land Acquisition Program
          Appendix G: Everglades Restoration
          Appendix H: Invasive Species
          Appendix I: Grants and Payments
          Appendix J: Recreational Fee Program
          Appendix K: Mineral Revenue Payments to States
          Appendix L: Receipts by Source Category
          Appendix M: Staffing

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UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, DIRECTOR OF BUDGET(See pages 2 and 34 for mention of inholdings)
FWS Land Acquisition
(Mention of inholdings on pages 3, 15, 36, and 38. This report is interesting in that it separates letters so that a search for a word does not produce a result; for example, Acquisition is spelled "A cquisition" with a space between the first and second letter. This is not the only word that receives this 'treatment.')
Fish and Wildlife Service FWS Funding
(Mention of funding for inholdings on page 9)
Wildfire Report Final: Assessing the Environmental, Social, and Economic Impacts of Wildfire
GISF Research Paper 001 (GISF - Global Institute of Sustainable Forestry)
GISF's main website:
May 2003
53 pages
Contents on Page 4 list fires from New Mexico, Montana and Virginia in 2000; Florida and California in 2001; New Jersey, Colorado, Arizona, South Dakota, Oregon and California in 2002. CUSP - Coalition for the Upper South Platte - is mentioned on page 38 as having coordinated volunteer efforts and EWPs - Emergency Watershed Programs. On page 47, discussing the 2002 Biscuit Fire of Oregon and California, it is mentioned, almost as an apologetic afterthought, that "The private land that burned was mostly inholdings within the public land matrix." Page 52 lists the ten 'case study' fires with the 'condition class.' Six of the ten fires were 'Condition Class 3,' which "signifies forest areas with significantly altered fire regime, fire frequency, and vegetation attributes from their historical range." This appears to imply that if humans had not 'altered' the vegetation and landscape, such fires would have been a non-issue. The discussion continues on page 53 and further underpins this line of 'logic.'
A search for "IUCN" "inholdings" produced 59 results.
"UNDP" "inholdings" got 4 important results:
1 GEORGE N. WALLACE - CURRICULUM VITAE Office Address: Room 231 ... Prioritizing the Acquisition of Wilderness Inholdings. ... United Nations Development Program, and the Presidents Commission on Galapagos, UNDP Quito, Ecuador. ... 

IUCN Report on the State of Conservation of Natural and Mixed Sites Inscribed on the World Heritage List and the List of World Heritage in Danger, October 26, 2001. IUCN State of Conservation Report 26. 59 pages. ... Nimba (CEGEN). It is envisaged that the proposal under preparation will be submitted to the GEF through UNDP at the end of 2001. The ... (IMPORTANT NOTE: On page 32, the IUCN [International Union for the Conservation of Nature, or World Conservation Union, a United Nations tentacle] in Sianka'an, Mexico, concocted both an 'Ecological Land Use Plan' and a 'Management Plan' to acquire property, also using a " initiative ... on a transferable development rights strategy to deal with all the beach front inholdings." This could be a primer on 'land and resource acquisition by hook or by crook.') 

"Mountain Protected Areas Update - 1 December 1999" -Mtn-Forum On ... Program for Northern Pakistan is being supported by a Trust Fund (UNDP-GEF ..., the Forest Service will acquire 2,116 acres of inholdings in Kaibab National Forest and release 272 acres next to Tusayan for development. More than 1,200 hotel rooms, 272,000 square feet of retail space, a parking lot for a light-rail system and employee housing will be built on the Tusayan land. .... A new non-profit organization, the Kaibab Institute, will use a portion of US$1.5million from a 1% surcharge on CFV revenue each year to buy environmentally sensitive land and restore habitat in the area... reference to "Another new mountain corridor connection..." This is an IUCN (World Conservation Union) report. - 55k 

G : AAP SO5 GMBR Page 1. G UATEMALA : A SSESSMENT AND A NALYSIS OF P ROGRESS TOWARD SO5 G OALS IN THE M AYA B IOSPHERE R ESERVE [MBR] (Important Note: Note the separation of letters that cause a word search not to get a result, even in the title of this IUCN 108-page report from December 6, 2000. Reference is made to inholdings on page 97; GoG being the acronym for 'Government of Guatemala'. SO5 is an acronym for Strategic Objective 5. IR is an acronym -- this alphabet soup speak is truly 'speaking in code' -- for Intermediate Result. Indigenous peoples of such countries stand little chance of resisting global PacMan, with their limited education running up against the experts of language deception. Just one example, from page 69: "1. Human Settlements in the Maya Biosphere Reserve. a. Benchmark. Policy for human settlements in the Maya Biosphere Reserve is developed based on consensus." Gee, why don't they just go ahead and change the spelling to 'Conned Senses'? Because that's exactly what it is. On page 52: UTPMs is the deliberately coded Municipal Planning Technical Units; SARNs is Natural Resource Sections. Page 51: MAGA stands for 'Ministry of Agriculture.' Page 46: "USAID [United States Agency for International Development] and its partners should recognize the 'buffer zone' for what it is -- a Service Corridor -- and start managing it in a way that exploits the many important economic, ecological and social linkages..." Page 38: SIGAP - Guatemalan System of Protected Areas. Who would guess that that's what SIGAP stands for? Page 35 mentions The Nature Conservancy and the work TNC is doing... Page 27: "Recognize the Buffer Zone for what it is and rename it to more accurately reflect what it is. We suggest 'Service Corridor.'" Page 12 again mentions the 'Buffer Zone' is not a buffer zone and 'never has been,' and that it is a 'densely populated Service Corridor.')