International Association of Fish and
Wildlife Agencies Strategic Plan
(Note: IAFWA's mission is to "Maintain principal authority
and control over all wildlife at the state/provincial/territorial
levels except in those cases where authority is specifically
relegated to the federal government.")
December 15, 2003
The Association was originally founded as the National Association of
Game Wardens and Commissioners in 1902 when eight wildlife agents from
six states came together in Yellowstone National Park to begin "a
system of mutually beneficial interstate cooperation in game and fish
The Constitution and Bylaws of the Association were enacted in 1947
and amended at subsequent meetings.
The current name, International Association of Fish and Wildlife
Agencies, was adopted in 1976.
The Constitution and Bylaws list six objectives for the Association:
(1) To cultivate more friendly relations and mutual understanding
among those officially engaged in the conservation of our natural
resources, and especially to coordinate the efforts of public
administrative agencies responsible for the protection, preservation
and management of the fish, wildlife, forests, waters and soils of
North America;
(2) To distribute literature and, by other available means, to develop
a more general public understanding and appreciation of the economic
and ethical importance of conserving the forests, waters and soils,
and of managing wisely our fish and wildlife as part of natural and
managed ecosystems, and as a source of recreation and food for our
(3) To promote fish and wildlife management, and to investigate and
advise with respect to the introduction of new species and varieties
of fish and wildlife;
(4) To create and foster a healthy public sentiment in favor of better
laws for protection of natural resources; to assist in the enactment
of laws for the adequate protection and management of said natural
resources; to obtain as far as possible uniformity in same; and to
correct irregularities and inconsistencies in existing laws;
(5) To assist the duly constituted authorities in enforcing laws for
the protection of natural resources, including fish and wildlife and
their habitat; and
(6) Generally to take all such legal and other proper actions as will
further the cause of maintaining an adequate supply of fish and
wildlife and other natural resources on this continent.
The success of the Association and its members in meeting these
objectives has largely depended on adherence to the principles of the
North American Model of Fish and Wildlife Conservation. The
Association formally endorsed the North American Model at its 100-year
anniversary meeting September 2002 in Big Sky, Montana. The
recommendations adopted by the Association in endorsing the North
American Model were as follows:2
1) Maintain principal authority and control over all wildlife at the
state/provincial/territorial levels except in those cases where
authority is specifically relegated to the federal government.
2) Remain diligent in meeting obligations pertaining to importation,
possession and use of wildlife; combat illegal trafficking, market
hunting and commercialization of wildlife; and allocate surplus
wildlife by law rather than markets or land ownership.
3) Maintain wildlife as a public trust.
4) Use scientific principles to improve resource management.
5) Perpetuate the role of hunting and fishing and trapping in the
North American Model of Fish and Wildlife Conservation.
6) Conduct our activities in a manner that will allow society to be
satisfied with our leadership in the moral, ethical and humane nature
of our business.
This strategic plan will be used by the Association to pursue our
official objectives as efficiently and effectively as possible while
adhering to the principles of the North American Model of Fish and
Wildlife Conservation.
o Protect state authority and support provincial and territorial
authority for wildlife conservation; promote sound resource
management; and strengthen federal, state, provincial, territorial and
private cooperation in conserving fish and wildlife and their habitats
in the public interest.
Healthy fish and wildlife resources throughout North America managed
by effective, well-funded fish and wildlife agencies supported by
informed and involved citizens.
The critical issues facing the International, its members and the fish
and wildlife resources can be summarized into four broad categories:
1) adequate funding to support wildlife conservation,
2) an adequate habitat base to sustain fish and wildlife populations
and those physical, chemical, biological and social factors that
directly impact wildlife resources,
3) public and political support and coordination necessary to fulfill
our mission,
and 4) efficient and effective internal operations3 and business
systems to maximize benefits to the wildlife resources and the public.
1. Enhance funding that adequately provides for conservation of all
species, and provides for expanding and emerging programs as well as
traditional fish and wildlife conservation activities.
o Increase stable, long-term funding through federal legislation.
o Seek annual congressional appropriations to help finance fish and
wildlife conservation programs.
o Assist with development of additional funding programs at the state
and provincial/territorial level.
o Seek to leverage existing funds through partnerships and coalitions
and identify sources of matching monies.
o Help states maintain and strengthen traditional funding provided by
hunters and anglers.
2. Assist the states, provinces and territories in development of
programs, projects, policies and initiatives to address their high
priority issues that directly impact the fish and wildlife resources,
particularly where interjurisdictional cooperation and coordination
are needed.
o Participate in implementation of current legislation (such as Farm
Bill, ESA and application of NEPA) through policy development and
rulemaking to ensure fish and wildlife issues are being addressed, and
recommend improvements to address fish and wildlife priorities during
the reauthorization process.
o Monitor, track and inform states, provinces and territories of
legislation, treaties, and agreements that affect jurisdictional
authorities and fish and wildlife resources including habitats, and
provide legal analysis and counsel as necessary.
o Assist the states in development of comprehensive state fish and
wildlife conservation plans.
o Identify National Conservation Needs and develop associated
multi-state grant proposals that will address high priority issues.4
o Take a leadership role in the development of national plans to
maintain and enhance fish and wildlife habitat.
o Monitor emerging fish and wildlife health issues and coordinate
development of national initiatives to address the highest priorities.
o Proactively engage with other entities to better address invasive
species issues.
o Develop programs to encourage and assist landowners in conserving
fish and wildlife habitat on private lands.
o Develop trapping Best Management Practices and distribute results to
state, provincial and federal members for implementation and outreach.
o Assist, facilitate and coordinate the review of federal public land
policy that affects fish, wildlife and habitat conservation to ensure
the role of state fish and wildlife agencies is affirmed and
o Support and assist in national efforts to maintain and enhance
public access to public and private lands for wildlife-related
o Assist, facilitate and coordinate the management of migratory bird
species within and across state boundaries to ensure that the states
and the bird species receive the greatest benefit from the states'
management efforts.
3. Increase communications, cooperation and coordination, and improve
relationships with member agencies and organizations and other
entities that help the Association fulfill its mission.
o Improve the Association's interaction with all member agencies.
o Implement a better process for reporting the Association's
accomplishments to its members.
o Consult with Canadian federal, provincial and territorial, as well
as Mexican federal fish and wildlife leaders on how to encourage and
strengthen their involvement in the Association and the Association's
service to their organizations.
o Initiate direct contact with new directors as soon as possible after
they assume their duties.
o Encourage agencies and organizations that support the Association's
mission to become contributing and affiliate members.
o Develop and implement an expedited publication of Association
o Develop and implement programs and policies that support broader
participation in hunting, fishing and other wildlife-based
o Coordinate, focus and direct the collective state fish and wildlife
agencies' efforts in influencing Congressional legislation.
o Improve coordination of research needs and research capabilities
between state and provincial fish and wildlife agencies, federal
agencies and universities.
o Develop a communications plan for the Association to better serve
and inform our members and to help promote regional, national and
international issues and programs.
o Develop and expand partnerships between state/provincial/territorial
agencies, federal agencies and private organizations in order to
address key issues.
o Assist states, provinces/territories, federal agencies and other
organizations with coordination and implementation of the various bird
conservation programs (such as NAWCA, NABCI, PIF, Joint Ventures).
4. Assess the activities and operations of the Association and
constantly strive for improvements in all facets of our organization.
o Evaluate funding of the Association and develop a long-term strategy
to address future revenue needs.
o Annually review the Association's strategic plan and work plans to
refine priorities and make any necessary changes in organization or
o Improve the Multistate Conservation Grants Program to ensure the
effective identification and articulation of highest priority state
conservation needs and careful, fair and efficient selection of
quality projects to satisfy those needs.
o Review and modify, if necessary, the objectives and methodologies
for the National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated
o Prepare a guidebook for planning, conducting and improving future
o Develop a long-range plan for the Management Assistance Team to
identify the most important administrative and training needs of
member agencies.
o Review and update the Association's administrative and procedures
o Assist states with development, enhancement and utilization of
automated fish and wildlife data and licensing systems.
o Develop a system to collect and electronically display key
statistics from member agencies and utilize the data to better promote
member agencies and their interests.