Casino Zonder Cruks
Memorandum�to�Governmental, Affiliate, Contributing Members and Committee Chairs
May 6, 2004
International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
444 North Capitol Street, NW, Suite 544
Washington, DC� 20001
Fax: 202-624-7891

MEMORANDUM�TO:�Governmental, Affiliate, Contributing Members and Committee Chairs

FROM:�John Baughman, Executive Vice-President

DATE:�May 6, 2004

SUBJECT:�Procedure for Developing Resolutions for the 2004 Annual Meeting

The purpose of this memo is to remind and advise you of the procedures for developing resolutions for consideration at the Annual Meeting in Atlantic City, New Jersey.� Proposed resolutions are forwarded first to the subject matter committee, which considers the appropriateness of the resolution, its subject matter, its consistency with previous Association positions, and finally, whether it is deserving of resolution status.� The subject matter committee then makes its recommendations to the Resolutions Committee, which considers it further and recommends appropriate action to the Business meeting.

Proposed resolutions should be sent to the subject matter committee no later than August 13, 2004, and forwarded by the subject matter committee to the Resolutions Committee, with recommendations, no later than September 1, 2004, to enable the Resolutions Committee to make advance review and select those for consideration at the annual meeting.

Obviously some resolutions will not be ready for consideration until the time of the annual meeting.� These, of course, should be held to the absolute minimum and be either very timely subjects or of such a nature that advance preparation is impossible.� When this is the case, the originator should secure subject matter committee clearance sometime during the annual meeting and in advance of the Resolutions Committee meeting.

Please send proposed resolutions to Chair Gerald Barnhart at the address below.� Also, please do all possible to see that the resolutions are processed in the time frame outlined above.� Thank you.

Mr. Gerry Barnhart, Director

Division of Fish, Wildlife and Marine Resources

New York Department of Environmental Conservation

625 Broadway, 5th Floor

Albany NY� 12233-4750


Fax: 518-402-8925

[email protected]

Charge of the Resolutions Committee

The Resolutions Committee is responsible for soliciting resolutions from other Association committees, for developing resolutions from other appropriate sources and for determining which of these should be presented to the membership for adoption in the appropriate form.

Prior to submitting a draft resolution to the Resolutions Committee, the appropriate Association Standing, President�s Committee or Task Force shall review and approve the draft.

Resolutions express the will of the Association and establish Association policy for accomplishing organizational goals and objectives. Resolutions will be written and approved in a manner to provide for follow-up by the Association�s Washington office. The suggested recipient(s) of the resolution shall be named in the resolution.


Guidelines for Approval of Resolutions

A resolution should address a specific issue and call for specific action(s) in a defined forum.

On its own reading, a resolution should be clear and easily understood by others.� The Committee should aspire to developing resolutions that do not exceed two pages in length.

A resolution should not be used as a substitute for reports of Association committees or task forces.

A resolution should be constructed to uphold defensible general principles for the management and administration of natural resource programs.

Resolutions shall take the following format:

Resolution #1

Title of Resolution

WHEREAS, the Association�s resolutions will have this format; and

WHEREAS, the punctuation will be as shown here; and

WHEREAS, there will be double spacing between statements.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies can have a second statement of resolution; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies resolutions take this format.

Projects and Grants
May 6, 2004

This project supports state fish and wildlife agencies in the development and implementation of state-level bird conservation programs.� Through workshops, meetings, and�technical�assistance visits, IAFWA staff provide consulting services to the state�agencies�as they carry out�priority bird conservation activities identified in the Partners In Flight Land Bird Conservation Plans, the U.S. Shorebird Conservation Plan,�the North American Waterbird Conservation Plan, and emerging resident game bird initiatives.


The Automated Wildlife Data Systems (AWDS) Program of the International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (IAFWA) assists fish and wildlife agencies in the education, development, implementation and improvement of automated license data systems while developing techniques and standards to enable agencies to share and utilize data for administration, enforcement, resource management, customer service and marketing.

Buy Your License and Let the Wildlife Adventure Begin! - connects you to the Internet Licensing systems of the fish and wildlife agencies - with as few as 3 clicks, you can be hunting or fishing.


Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is an immediate and severe threat to the deer and elk of North America .� Once confined to a small area in the western United States, CWD now has been found in wild deer in additional locations, as well as in herds of captive elk in several states and provinces.� CWD can dramatically alter the management of wild deer and elk, and it has already begun to do so: In Colorado, Nebraska, Wisconsin, and Saskatchewan, efforts are underway to drastically reduce local wild cervid populations to eliminate CWD in areas where it recently was found.


The Farm Bill is a tool that allows Congress to periodically examine and modify federal government

policies and programs affecting agriculture, rural America and food consumers.� The Farm Bill is

reviewed approximately every six years and focuses on commodity programs, conservation, trade, foreign agricultural assistance, credit, nutrition, research, crop insurance, rural development and



In 1996, the International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (IAFWA) began a program to develop Best Management Practices (BMPs) for trapping wildlife in the United States. BMPs for trapping furbearers will be provided to state agencies and trappers for incorporation into trapper education and wildlife management programs. In addition to improving wildlife management in the United States, BMPs will be used by the United States to address international commitments to identify and promote the use of humane traps and trapping methods for capturing wildlife.


The International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (IAFWA) provides oversight, coordination, and guidance for the Multistate Conservation Grant Program as established by the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Programs Improvement Act of 2000 (Pub. L. 106-408).� An announcement is released annually requesting proposals based on current National Conservation Needs (NCNs) selected by the Directors of the state and provincial fish and wildlife agencies.� Eligible proposals are reviewed and ranked by IAFWA committees and interested nongovernmental organizations.


The IAFWA and the National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) are partners in providing technical assistance for managing biological data to state fish and wildlife agencies.� Through the partnership, states are involved in making sage grouse and sage habitat data accessible to conservation planners, addressing data standards for managing chronic wasting disease, and establishing clearinghouses for biological information.


The North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP) was launched in 1986 with the signing of an agreement between Canada and the United States. Mexico joined the program in 1988. The Plan provides a policy framework for analyzing North American waterfowl issues. It sets out a number of objectives relating to waterfowl habitat and populations, with a focus on conserving and expanding wetland areas.


The North American Wetlands Conservation Act signed by President Bush on December 13, 1989, 16 U.S.C. �� 4401-4413 (Supp. 1991), encourages partnerships among federal agencies and others to protect, restore, enhance, and manage wetlands and other habitats for migratory birds, fish, and wildlife. The act obligates annual appropriations for the implementation of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan.


Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (PARC), is a new multi-sector partnership dedicated to the conservation of the herpetofauna -- amphibians and reptiles -- and their habitats.


TWW�is a national campaign to�prevent wildlife from becoming endangered and to ensure a bright future for our nation's wildlife and the habitat they depend upon, through an increase in federal funding for state-level wildlife conservation.�


New federal funds are available to state fish and wildlife agencies for wildlife conservation, related recreation, and education. The new federal funds continue the precedent of cooperation between the federal government and the states for managing and conserving wildlife species set by the 1937 Pittman-Robertson Act and the 1950 Dingell-Johnson Act.

Upcoming IAFWA Events
May 22-26, 2004
International Hunter Education Association Annual Conference
San Diego, California

July 10-13, 2004
Midwest Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies Meeting
Meeting Announcement
Registration Form
Bismarck, North Dakota

July 24-29, 2004
Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies
Sun Valley, Idaho

August 21-26, 2004
134th American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting
Madison, Wisconsin

September 18-22, 2004
The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting
Calgary, Alberta

September 18-22, 2004
States Organization for Boating Access Annual Meeting
Kalispell, Montana

September 23-26, 2004
Organization of Fish and Wildlife Information Managers Annual Meeting
San Diego, California

September 26-October 1, 2004
94th International Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies Annual Meeting
Trump Marina in Atlantic City, New Jersey

October 31-November 3, 2004
Southeastern Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies Annual Meeting
Hilton Head, South Carolina

December 12-15, 2004
Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference
Indianapolis, Indiana

March 16-20, 2005
70th North American Wildlife & Natural Resources Conference
Crystal Gateway Marriott, Crystal City, Virginia

March 22-26, 2006
71st North American Wildlife & Natural Resources Conference
Hyatt Regency Columbus, Columbus, Ohio

March 20-24, 2007
72nd North American Wildlife & Natural Resources Conference
Hilton Portland and Executive Tower Hotel, Portland, Oregon