Casino Zonder Cruks
Legislation Main
Trackside 12-12-04
Court strikes down road hunting law 12-12-04
Clinton's 1.7-million acre monument at Court of Appeals 11-29-04
"Treatment-as-a-State" Regulation 11-21-04
Recreation Fee Demonstration Bill Passes Congress 11-20-04
Bush finalizes land swap 10-24-04
WRAS � Watershed Restoration Action Strategy 10-15-04
Judicial slap to Patriot Act 10-04-04
EPA Brownfields Grants for Low-Income Communities 09-27-04
Montana, Wyoming ask 2001 snowmobile ban be cast aside 09-23-04
Stimson Access Upheld 08-30-04
AgJOBS could grant legal residence to migrants 08-25-04
Banning the Better Alternative 08-25-04
Endangered Species Act Sparks Battle 08-17-04
Predecisional Administrative Review Process for Hazardous Fuel Reduction Projects Authorized Under the Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003 08-08-04
The ESA and its REAL victims 08-03-04
My Official Testimony on HR 4100 "Get Outdoors Act" AND S 2590 "Americans Outdoors Act" 08-03-04

The Bricker Amendment 08-03-04
My Letter to House Resources Committee Chairman Richard Pombo 07-17-04
Private Property May Become Preserved 07-07-04
House Unanimously Approves Tribal Forest Protection Act 06-27-04
Senate Passes Pombo-Feinstein�Tribal Forest Protection Act 06-27-04
Sheridan development plan roils property owners 06-08-04
Bad Bill for Hawaii and All States 06-08-04
Outdoor industry joins fight for roadless rule 06-08-04
Home invaders beware 05-26-04
UPDATE ON "INVASIVE SPECIES" language in SAFETEA Transportation Bill 05-09-04
SAFETEA must strike all 'invasive species' language from its text 04-17-04
Raising a howl 04-13-04
Wildlife would benefit from Young's GO Act 04-08-04
Pombo, Feinstein Introduce Tribal Forest Protection Act 03-29-04
TRACKSIDE 03-29-04
Keep Them In The Dark 03-25-04
Inhofe voices doubts about Law of the Sea treaty (LOST) 03-25-04
H.R. 254 and the sale of sovereignty and erasure of borders 03-25-04
What is "Revised Statute R.S. 2477"? 03-02-04
Jurisdiction Over Federal Areas Within the States 02-23-04
Bill would restrict limits on land uses 02-23-04
Write-in candidates enter fray 02-16-04
Judges, not voters, to decide Props. 105, 104 02-16-04
National Invasive Species Council Act 02-14-04
Property Rights Case Law Summaries 02-09-04
Summary of the Laney's Private Property Rights In the Diamond Bar and Laney Ranches 02-09-04

TEA-21 Bills Percolate in Congress 01-22-04
Checkerboard Shuffle 01-16-04
The International Green Agenda 01-06-04