Casino Zonder Cruks
Klamath River Basin Conservation Area Restoration Program: Limited Assurance Regarding the Federal Funding Requirements. GAO-05-804 GAO Letter Report
(Note: This is nothing short of the implementation of The Wildlands Project and the taking of property rights and freedom from those farmers in the Klamath Basin that worked for, earned and own their own property. This is utter Language Deception. In 43 pages, the word "restoration" is used 283 times, while "restore" is used 3 times, "restoring" appears twice, "conservation" 21 times, "manage" cropped up 4 times, and "management" 146; "compliance" garnered 31 mentions.)
September 19, 2005

[Original Message]

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Date: 9/19/2005 2:00:09 PM

Subject: SUBJECT: GAO Reports about Environmental Protection

September 19, 2005



The Government Accountability Office (GAO) today released the following reports, testimony, and correspondence:




Klamath River Basin Conservation Area Restoration Program: Limited Assurance Regarding the Federal Funding Requirements. GAO-05-804, September 19, 2005, Report to Congressional Requesters (43 pages)

Highlights - (1 page)



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