"Florida Panther" -
"Puma concolor coryi" - Status and Trends: The
State of Florida declared the panther a game species in 1950 and an
endangered species in 1958. The FWS listed the panther as
endangered in 1967 (32 FR 4001). Activities in the 1800s and early
1900s contributed to its need for listing. ... Habitat-level
Recovery Actions: H1. Preserve and protect Florida panther habitat.
The Florida Panther Habitat Preservation Plan (HPP) identified 374,868
ha of occupied and potential habitat considered essential to
maintaining a minimum viable population of 50 breeding adult
panthers in South Florida. Fifty-seven percent of these lands are
classified as Priority 1 (highest quality and/or most frequently used)
and 43 percent as Priority 2 (lower quality and/or less frequently
used). The HPP also identified habitat threats, and the means by which
habitat could be protected: land acquisition,
conservation easements, exchanges, donations, voluntary management
agreements, landowner incentives, and landowner disincentives.
H1.1. Complete acquisition projects comprised of
Priority 1 and Priority 2 habitat. Nearly 190,000 ha of priority
panther habitat have been proposed for State (75 percent) or Federal
(25 percent) acquisition. Thirty-three percent of these lands
have been preserved using fee-simple acquisition and conservation
easements. The remainder should be preserved in a timely
manner. H1.2. Initiate new acquisition projects
comprised of Priority 1 and Priority 2 habitat.
The FWS (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) has initiated a proposal
to expand the Florida Panther NWR (National Wildlife Refuge) in
Collier County and Hendry County by about 150,000 ha. Other proposals
are being developed. Appropriate agencies should continue to identify
landowners interested in panther recovery from whom land and
conservation easements may be purchased. H1.3. Complete public
protection of Big Cypress Area of Critical State Concern. The Big
Cypress Conservation Act of 1973 designated 347,228 ha of the 634,561
ha Big Cypress Watershed as an Area of Critical State Concern (ACSC).
Today, 93 percent of the ACSC is in public ownership. The 7 percent
remaining in private ownership, all Priority 1 habitat, extends from
Florida Panther NWR north to Okaloacoochee Slough SF, serves as a large
mammal corridor between Collier County and Hendry County, and
should be protected. H1.4. Establish, restore,
and maintain important corridors. Corridors
are necessary for population expansion and for facilitating gene flow
between subpopulations. The Caloosahatchee Ecoscape,
added to the CARL (Conservation
And Recreation Lands) acquisition list in 1998, is a 4,047
ha corridor connecting panther habitat in Glades
County and Hendry County. Camp Keais strand links Florida
Panther NWR with the CREW (Corkscrew
Regional Ecosystem Watershed, often referred to as SoCREW, or Southern
CREW). A recent 20,695 ha conservation easement acquired by the
SWFWMD (The South Florida Water Management District) could link
panther habitat in DeSoto County and Glades County. The Florida
Greenways Coordinating Council adopted in 1998 a five-year
implementation plan for a statewide system of
greenways and trails that could benefit the panther long-term.
H2. Use landowner incentive programs to
conserve, restore, and manage panther habitat. The USDA-NRCS
(U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation
Service) and FWS administer several landowner
incentive programs capable of preserving Priority 1 and Priority 2
panther habitat on farms and ranches in South Florida. Each of
the programs is briefly discussed below. Some examples of how the
program can be used for panther recovery are given. H2.1.
Environmental Conservation Acreage Reserve Program. The Environmental
Conservation Acreage Reserve Program (ECARP) encompasses the
Conservation Reserve Program, Wetlands Reserve Program, and the
Environmental Quality Incentives Program. The purpose of these
programs is to help farmers and ranchers conserve and enhance soil,
water, and related natural resources, including grazing land,
wetlands, and wildlife habitat. Program
objectives are achieved primarily through short-term or perpetual
retirement of marginal agricultural land and changes in land
management practices. H2.1.1. Conservation Reserve Program. The
Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) makes annual rental payments and
pays 50 percent of the cost of eligible conservation practices
implemented by the landowner. Two types of CRP are recognized. The
Traditional CRP allows irregular, periodic enrollment of large
acreages and can quickly provide measurable benefits to wildlife
species requiring expanses of contiguous habitat. For example,
traditional CRP should be used to establish tracts of pine flatwoods
250 ha or greater to reverse a historic pine flatwoods decline of 88
percent in central South Florida. Forest tracts 250 ha or larger are a
constituent element of occupied panther
range and pine flatwoods can account for about 30 percent of
individual panther radio-locations. The Continuous CRP allows
year-round enrollment of small acreages with an emphasis on strip-type
water quality practices. The continuous CRP should be used to plant
pine or hardwood buffers around isolated cypress domes or along
cypress strands to provide cover for panthers, cover for panther prey,
and to increase average forest patch size in a given area, thus
reversing fragmentation. Trees planted in strips
of sufficient width along ditches, canals, interior access roads or
similar landscape features could serve as cover for panther prey and
provide nominal travel corridors for the panther. H2.1.2.
Wetlands Reserve Program. The Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP) pays
farmers and ranchers to restore former and degraded wetlands. Restoration
of forested wetlands would reverse forest declines and would be
somewhat beneficial to the panther given its preference for forested
habitats. Wetland restoration would also benefit panther prey, which
can be found feeding in, or around the edge of, herbaceous wetlands.
The options available include the following: (1)
permanent easements, where the easement payment is generally
100 percent of the agricultural value or a predetermined area cap, and
NRCS pays 100 percent of the restoration costs; (2) 30-year
easements, where the easement payment is generally 75 percent
of the agricultural value or a predetermined area cap, and NRCS pays
75 percent of the restoration costs; and (3) restoration
cost-share agreements, where there is no easement payment but
NRCS pays 75 percent of the restoration costs.
The minimum duration for the agreement is 10 years. H2.1.3.
Environmental Quality Incentives Program. The Environmental Quality
Incentives Program (EQIP) provides educational, technical, and
financial assistance to help farmers and ranchers comply with State
and Federal environmental laws. Fifty percent of the annual
appropriation is allocated to livestock-related natural resource
concerns and cattlemen owning land inhabited by
the panther are ideal applicants. This program can be used to
fence hardwood hammocks that have been degraded by mechanical
manipulation or overgrazing. Hardwood hammocks can account for 30 to
40 percent of individual panther radio-locations and are the most
productive white-tailed deer habitat. - DOI/USFWS MSRP
(Multi-Species Recovery Plan http://www.fws.gov/southeast/vbpdfs/species/mammals/flpa.pdf (page
8 and 31-33 of 34)