Casino Zonder Cruks

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9-11 Area

Helen Chenoweth-Hage speaking at the

 Darby Farmland Rally on 9-2-2000

Transcript of Speech

Julie and Wiggles

Signs put up by farmers along the highways

Photo Collage by Susan Crawford.

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Click on Picture for larger view

Bitterroot Valley, Montana Forest Fire showing Elk, Fire, and Creek by John McColgan, BLM Alaska Fire Service. Paul Black has demonstrated his opposition to the proposed refuge in grand style. 1999
Ruth Slaughter shows just how tall the corn really is. 2000 "These Folks seem to be opposed to the refuge!"


Oct 2002 "This tractor will help feed many, many people." "Helen Chenoweth-Hage speaking at the Darby Farmland Rally. "
6/11/2002 "Located in La Selva Beach, California, this is the local nucleus for the government-managed Biosphere." "Organizers dig holes for tents in preparation for the Darby Farmland Rally to be held Saturday at the Rapp Monroe Township. Manning the shovels are, from left, Dale Rapp II, John Schiering, George Rotan of Columbia, Mo., Julie Kay Smithson, Bob Dietiker of Columbia, Mo.  and Charlie Fisher. Organizers expect 4,000 to 5,000 people to show up for the rally, which has attracted property rights advocates from across the United States. The rally is open to the public. (Photo: Kevin Dye/The Madison Press")
"Ladies in photo in front of the Grim Reaper truck: Left to right: Marge Welch (PFUSA), Delores Hopkins, Sheila Davis, Loretta Sanda, Cindy Mullins, Rita McClaugherty, and Ann Roach, the Sisters of the River from Hinton, West Virginia, come to stand up with their rural neighbors on the banks of the Little Darby and Springfork Creeks, Monroe Township, Madison County, Ohio. Darby Farmland Rally, September 2, 2000..") Thank You sign says it all!
"This sign was made by a cowman that will be negatively impacted by Boxer's Wilderness plot. He is hanging them up everywhere he can so I told him I'd send it around too. I first saw it in a feed store and I 'bout died laughing. The man with the Endangered Spotted Cow is Tom Gookin of Oakdale, CA, the Cowboy Capitol of the World. I bet he could spin a real tale about what he had to do to get that old cow listed and under the protection of the Sierra Club, the Nat'l Park Service and the Center For Biodiversity, Agenda 21 and the United Nations." "Maggi, a REAL environmentalist -- just look at those healthy plants! A REAL American who journeyed hundreds of miles from North Carolina to Ohio to stand with her neighbors at the Darby Farmland Rally, Labor Day, 2000."
"These are my two sons when they were young. One on the left is now a Cat Skinner/Loader Operator for the biggest logger in our county. The other just graduated with a degree in Forest Engineering from Oregon State University and is now employed as a forester for the last remaining local sawmill in Yreka. I'm proud of both that they are dedicated in the face of great adversity to a profession that is critical to our nation's future. - Ric Costales, People for the USA, CA." "Day Hiking Only", "You are not FREE to do anything else."
"California, The flowers are grown by seed companies. Close to Vandenberg AFB. The 2002 Floral Flag is 740 feet long and 390 feet wide and maintains the proper Flag dimensions as described in Executive Order #10834. This Flag is 6.65 acres and is the first Floral Flag to be planted with 5 pointed Stars comprised of White Larkspur. Each Star is 24 feet in diameter. Each Stripe is 30 feet wide. This Flag is estimated to contain more than 400,000 Larkspur plants with 4-5 flower stems each for a total of more than 2 million flowers. You can drive by this flag on V Street south of Ocean Lompoc, CA." "Marni and Dean Morrow prepare to travel to drought-stricken farms in Trinidad, Colo., with 25 tons of donated hay from Klamath Basin farmers."
"Dick Carleton talks to Marni and Dean Morrow just before they pull out." "Former Idaho congresswoman Helen Chenoweth-Hage giving passionate speech at Klamath Falls auction to benefit Klamath Basin farmers."
The Photo says it all. "This picture was on the front page of our local paper. This was a community effort and on this 29th day of August 2001 -- after many days of prayer and thought -- it was decided we would take the ground up to the Headgates. The agreement was that our protest would be peaceful civil disobedience and it was so. I am more proud of this than all of it. The three "Patriots" in the photo are, from left to right: Dan Nielsen, Gaylord Brown and Grant Knoll."
"Notice the ";only person standing" for the Colors is the Man in the wheelchair." "Julie Kay Smithson in front of J-D Equipment, State Route 42 north of London, Ohio, with the J-D sign that says: Welcome Darby Farmland Rally Attendees!"
"This sign was made by some locals wishing to thank Environmentalists for destroying their way of life, whether directly or indirectly." "Barb Hall and Bill Ransom of the Klamath Bucket Brigade, in front of the Klamath Bucket at the Klamath County Government Building on the morning of the Kick-off Rally for the convoy to Florida. Photo credit: Jacqui Krizo of Tulelake, California.")
"Results of the deadly "MousekaWWIII Virus" Credit to" "Montana State Representative Joe Balyeat."
"Convention Directors" Pictured Above: Back Row (L-R) Ken Knuppe, Rick Fox, Doug Temple, Marvin Jobgen, Wayne Nelson, Larry Nelson, Cliff Crago, Bob Mack, T.J. Gabriel, Shane Kolb, Chance Davis, Bill Kluck. Middle Row (L-R) Jim Murphy, Mary Smith, Bob Fortune, Kenny Fox, Jim Hoffman, Frank Duran, Joan Kazmerzak, Margaret Nachtigall, Mark Devries, Carrie Longwood Seated (L-R) Bill Hutchinson, Vince Crago, Bob Johnson, Tom Landers, Duanne Slaathaug. UN Infiltration, Folks really need to see the level of infiltration by a foreign government in our country, and this at the local county government level! This was sent, by the way, from a fellow in New Brunswick, Canada!
Close Up of Infiltration, Close up - Folks really need to see the level of infiltration by a foreign government in our country, and this at the local county government level! This was sent, by the way, from a fellow in New Brunswick, Canada! Neat Sign, This sign is an eye catcher!
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"This is the way we go to church"

 37 in attendance on March 14, 2004 -- a new March record, and McCarthy only has 45 residents, counting the Pilgrim family of seventeen!

 The Church at McCarthy, Alaska - Rick Kenyon, Pastor

Picture Used with permission