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Top 50 U.S. Foundations Awarding Grants for the Environment, circa 2001* and more - FC Research Update

May 19, 2003

The Foundation Center

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Foundation Center Releases "FC STATS" Grants Tables for 2001

The Foundation Center has just released detailed breakdowns of 2001 foundation giving patterns in the Grants Stats area of "FC Stats." These free statistical tables are based on individual records of grants of $10,000 or more awarded by approximately 1,000 of the largest U.S. private and community foundations. Information is provided on funding by subject area, recipient organization, type of support, population group served, domestic geographic focus, top funders and recipients, and domestic vs. international focus.

"FC Stats" is produced from the Foundation Center's research database and features over 1,700 data tables and ranked lists representing the most requested types of summary financial data on foundations and their giving. Each table is available in PDF format for easy viewing and downloading.

For more information about "FC Stats," email our research staff at [email protected]

Top 50 U.S. Foundations Awarding Grants for the Environment, circa 2001*