- Young Americans for Freedom YARU
- the Yale Arbovirus Research Unit (HHS) Yarding
- A method of bringing logs into a roadside area or landing, for truck
transport. Moving the cut trees from where they fell to a centralized
place (landing) for hauling away from the stand.
Methods may include forms of skyline cable logging systems,
ground-based skidding, balloon, helicopter, etc. YCBR
- You Could Be Right YCIAS
- The Yale Center for International and Area Studies YCL
- Young Communist League YDS
- You Don’t Say YE
- Year Easement Year
- See Climatic year; Water year. – USGS Year-Long
Grazing - Continuous grazing for a calendar year. Yellowcake
- A solid uranium-oxygen compound (U3O8) that takes its name from its
color and texture. It is a product of the uranium milling process and is
the feed material used for fuel enrichment and fuel pellet fabrication.
- Nuclear Regulatory Commission The
Yellowstone Park Act of 1872 - Commanded the Secretary of the Interior
to "provide for the preservation from injury or spoilation of ...
natural curiosities or wonders within said park, and their retention in
their natural condition." YEI
- Youth Education Institute YEP
- Youth Entrepreneurship Program YER
- Young Executive Report YGTNPWUSEIS
- Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks Winter Use Supplemental
Environmental Impact Statement Yield
- 1) Total volume of water flow from a drainage basin over a stipulated
long period of time, for example, annual yield; 2) (of renewable
resources) see maximum sustainable yield. (UN) YIMBY
- Yes in My Backyard YM
- Yes Man YMISL
- The Yellow Mountain Institute for Sustainable Living YN
– Yuba Nation (formerly “American Lands Alliance”) YNP
- Yellowstone National Park (UN
Biosphere Reserve) Young-of-year
- Young (usually fish) produced in one reproductive year.
Small fish, hatched from eggs spawned in the current year, are
considered young-of-year (age 0). Young
Forest – See Early Successional Forest. Young
People's Participation in World Heritage Preservation and Promotion - The
Young People's Participation in World Heritage Preservation and
Promotion is an inter-regional project coordinated by the UNESCO World
Heritage Centre and UNESCO's Associated School's Project (coordinated by
UNESCO's Sector for Humanistic, Cultural and International Education).
The project was launched in 1994 in order to sensitize young
people at secondary school level to the importance of World Heritage.
The project's aim is to initiate or reinforce teaching and
activities in the area of World Heritage Education (WHE) and to produce
an education kit to this end.
- Glossary of World Heritage Terms Youth
- The age group between 15 and 24. (UN) YRC
- Yellow Ribbon Coalition YTD
- Year To Date Y2Y
- Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative YWCA International - Young Women’s Clubs of America International