Fish and Wildlife Service RULES

Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act; Title VIII implementation (subsistence priority):

Copper River, Afognak Bay, and Southeastern Alaska rivers; seasonal adjustments, 50597

Copper, Yukon, and Kuskokwim Rivers drainages; seasonal adjustments, 42185

Fish and shellfish; subsistence taking, 5890

Correction, 36809

Fish and wildlife; subsistence taking, 30559

Klawock River and Lake; emergency closure and adjustments, 8891

Mountain goats and moose; temporary season closure and harvest limits changes, 8888

Muskox; subsistence management, 58695

Redoubt Lake and three Southeastern Alaska lake systems; seasonal adjustments, 54572

Wildlife; 2002-2003 subsistence taking, 43710

Endangered and threatened species:

Buena Vista Lake shrew, 10101

California tiger salamander; Sonoma County distinct population segment, 47726

Carson wandering skipper, 51116

Chiricahua leopard frog, 40790

Critical habitat designations:

Appalachian elktoe, 61016

Carolina heelsplitter, 44502

Kneeland Prairie penny-cress, 62897

Monterey spineflower, 37498

Newcomb's snail, 54026

Purple amoles, 65414

Quino checkerspot butterfly, 18356

Robust spineflower, 36822

San Bernardino kangaroo rat, 19812

Santa Cruz tarplant, 63968

Scotts Valley spineflower, 37336

Various plants from Molokai, HI, 52419

Desert yellowhead, 11442

Duskytail darter, etc. (four fishes reintroduced into Tellico River, Monroe County, TN), 52420

Florida manatee; additional protection areas, 680, 59408

Golden sedge, 3120

Large-flowered skullcap; reclassification, 1662

Mountain yellow-legged frog, 44382

Piping plover; northern Great Plains breeding population, 57638

Preble's meadow jumping mouse, 61531

Robbins' cinquefoil, 54968

Sacramento splittail, 13095, 66344

Correction, 15337

San Diego ambrosia, 44372

Showy stickseed, 5515

Tumbling Creek cavesnail, 52879

Vicuna (various populations in South America); reclassification, 37695

Fish and wildlife restoration; Federal aid to States:

National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program, 49264

Hunting and fishing: Refuge-specific regulations, 58936

Importation, exportation, and transportation of wildlife:

Anchorage, AK; designated port status, 11260

Injurious wildlife:

Brushtail possum, 39865

Snakehead fishes (family Channidae), 62193

Migratory bird hunting:

Alaska; spring/summer subsistence harvest regulations, 53511

Federal Indian reservations, off-reservation trust lands and ceded lands, 55660, 59386

Seasons, limits, and shooting hours; establishment, etc., 54702, 55624, 59110, 59358

Organization, functions, and authority delegations:

Hearings and Appeals Office; address change, 38208


Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act; Title VIII implementation (subsistence priority):

Fish; subsistence taking and customary trade, 8918

Fish and shellfish; subsistence taking, 6334

Wildlife; 2003-2004 subsistence taking, 50619

Endangered and threatened species:

Argali in Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, and Tajikistan, 35942

Beluga sturgeon, 49657

Black-footed ferrets; nonessential experimental population establishment in south-central South Dakota, 57558

California tiger salamander; Sonoma County distinct population segment, 47758, 66377

Hearing, etc., 54761

Carson wandering skipper, 30645

Coastal cutthroat trout in Washington and Oregon; withdrawn, 44934

Columbia Basin pygmy rabbit, 5780

Columbian white-tailed deer, 42217

Cook's lomatium and large-flowered wooly meadowfoam, 1712

Critical habitat designations:

Abutilon eremitopetalum etc. (32 plant species from Lanai, HI), 46450

Abutilon sandwicense, etc. (99 plant species from Oahu, HI), 37108

Achyranthes mutica, etc. (47 plant species from Hawaii, HI), 36968, 59811

Appalachian elktoe, 34893

Baker's larkspur and yellow larkspur, 41367

Bexar County, TX, karst-dwelling invertebrate species, 55064

Blackburn's sphinx moth, 40633, 54763, 63064

Carolina heelsplitter, 10118

Conservancy fairy shrimp, etc. (California andSouthern Oregon vernal pool crustaceans and plants),59884

Cushenbury milk-vetch, etc. (five carbonate plants from San Bernardino Mountains, CA), 6578, 59239

Gila chub, 51948

Gulf sturgeon, 39106, 51530

Kauai cave wolf spider and Kauai cave amphipod, 14671

Keck's checkermallow, 41669, 66378

Kneeland Prairie penny-cress, 30643

La Graciosa thistle, etc., 30641

Mariana fruit bat, etc., from Guam and Northern Mariana Islands, 63738

Newcomb's snail, 3849, 15159

Otay tarplant, 45696

Piping plover; northern Great Plains breeding population, 13123

Plant species from Kauai and Niihau, HI, 3940, 6214, 36851

Plant species from Lanai, HI, 9806, 46626

Plant species from Maui and Kahoolawe, HI, 15855, 54764, 61845

Plant species from Molokai, HI, 16492, 53396, 54607

Plant species from Northwestern Hawaiian islands, HI, 34522, 57784

Plant species from Oahu, HI, 63066

Plant species from various islands of Hawaii, 54766

Preble's meadow jumping mouse, 47154

Purple amole (two varieties), 30644

Rio Grande silvery minnow, 39206, 57783

Roswell springsnail, etc., 6459, 38059

Santa Cruz tarplant, 30642

Topeka shiner, 54262

Unarmored threespine stickleback, 58580

Ventura marsh milk-vetch, 62926

Vernal pool crustaceans and plants in California and Oregon, 63067

Findings on petitions, etc.:

Beluga sturgeon, 41918

Big Cypress fox squirrel, 8499

California golden trout, 59241

Cerulean warbler, 65083

Columbia spotted frog; Wasatch Front population, 55758

Lost River sucker and shortnose sucker, 34422

Miami blue butterfly, 280

Western gray squirrel; Washington population, 65931

Flat-tailed horned lizard, 37752, 59809

Florida manatee; protection areas, 18572

Mariana mallard and Guam broadbill, 3675

Plant and animal species that are candidates or proposed for listing, findings on recycled petitions, and description of progress on listing actions; review, 40657

Pygmy rabbit; Columbia Basin distinct population segment, 46951

Recovery plans:

Coastal dunes milk-vetch, etc. (five plants from Monterey County, CA), 32003

Howell's spectacular thelypody, 50626

Northern Idaho ground squirrel, 46440

Rio Grande cutthroat trout; candidate status review, 39936

Slickspot peppergrass, 46441, 60206

Truckee barberry, 56254

Westslope cutthroat trout; status review, 56257

Hunting and fishing:

Refuge-specific regulations, 41920

Importation, exportation, and transportation of wildlife:

Incidental take permits:

Chewuch River, WA; habitat conservation plan, 7122

Injurious wildlife:

Black carp, 49280

Snakeheads (family Channidae), 48855

Marine mammals:

Incidental take during specified activities:

Florida manatees; intent to prepare environmental impact statement, 39668

Migratory bird hunting:

Alaska; spring/summer migratory bird subsistence harvest, 16707

Federal Indian reservations, off-reservation trust lands, and ceded lands, 49176

Seasons, limits, and shooting hours; establishment, etc., 12501, 47224, 53690

Meetings, 40128

Tungsten-iron-nickel-tin shot approval as nontoxic for waterfowl and coots hunting, 31754

Rulemaking documents; opportunity to resubmit comments due to interruption of mail service, 4940


Agency information collection activities:

Proposed collection; comment request, 743, 30719, 55418, 61151, 65993

Submission for OMB review; comment request, 744, 5608, 7187, 19771, 21268, 22103, 47563, 55417, 55418, 59070, 59071

Alternate agency mail sites, 4278

Comprehensive conservation plans; availability, etc.:

Antioch Dunes National Wildlife Refuge, CA, 56578

Arkansas National Wildlife Refuge Complex, TX, 55862

Back Bay National Wildlife Refuge, VA, 30950

Balcones Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge, TX, 13001

Crescent Lake National Wildlife Refuge, NE, 21711

Desert National Wildlife Refuge Complex, NV, 54229

Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge; MI, 44471

Eastern Neck National Wildlife Refuge, MD, 40002

Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge, VA and NC, 4993

Hanford Reach National Monument/Saddle Mountain National Wildlife Refuge, WA, 40333, 55033

Lake Umbagog National Wildlife Refuge, NH and ME, 46682

Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, FL, 54816

Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge, MN, 30945

Minnesota Wetland Management Districts, MN, 51866

Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge, CO, 54667

San Diego National Wildlife Refuge et al., CA, 19583

Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge, MI, et al., 8992

Stillwater National Wildlife Refuge Complex, NV, 38142

Stone Lakes National Wildlife Refuge, CA, 54817

Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge Complex, MN, WI, IA, and IL, 37852

Waubay Wildlife Refuge Complex, SD, 37436

Endangered and threatened species:

Findings on petitions, etc.:

Slender moonwort, 39035

Incidental take permits:

Bastrop County, TX; Houston toad, 58820

Napa County, CA; northern spotted owl, 65998

Yolo County, CA; valley elderberry longhorn beetle, 42576

Recovery plans:

California red-legged frog, 57830

Colorado River Basin; humpback chub, etc., 55270

Gila trout, 17089

Illinois cave amphipod, 50688, 63442

Kneeland Prairie penny-cress, 62979

Piping plovers; Great Lakes population, 50687

Pitcher's thistle, 63443

San Francisco lessingia and Raven's manzanita, 10924, 45532

Star cactus, 64130

Steller's eider; Alaska-breeding population, 36915

Rio Grande cutthroat trout, 13005

Endangered and threatened species permit applications, 1365, 1494, 1495, 2900, 3730, 4468, 5609, 5846, 6048, 6268, 7188, 10429, 10430, 10431, 10748, 13003, 13004, 13005, 14726, 14727, 15222, 15581, 15824, 15825, 16114, 17088, 19205, 19206, 20544, 20818, 30720, 30721, 30946, 30947, 36643, 36914, 37437, 37852, 37853, 37854, 37855, 38516, 39035, 42791, 43139, 43676, 43677, 43678, 44615, 44873, 45530, 46683, 48481, 48482, 49367, 49368, 53959, 53960, 55863, 56296, 57445, 58628, 58629, 58819, 60249, 61349, 62074, 62490, 62491, 62492, 62808, 62978, 66165, 66166

Environmental statements; availability, etc.:

Anacapa Island Restoration Project, OR, 16115

Double-crested cormorant management, 1226

Fort St. Philip Project, Plaquemines Parish, LA, 36643

Grand-White Lakes Land Bridge Protection Project, Cameron Parish, LA, 59072

Icicle Creek Restoration Project, WA, 7188

Incidental take permits:

Baldwin County, AL; Alabama beach mouse, etc., 17089, 19207, 31356, 31357, 31359, 31360, 31362, 31363, 62809

Bastrop County, TX; Houston toad, 4468, 4469, 4470, 5129, 50689

Chula Vista, CA; Multiple Species Conservation Program, 63147

Collier County, FL; red-cockaded woodpecker, 13187

Colorado Springs, CO; Preble's meadow jumping mouse, 36644

Davidson County, TN; Nashville crayfish, 13185

Del Norte and Humboldt Counties, CA; Simpson Resource Co. Aquatic Habitat conservation plan, etc., 53567

Douglas County, CO; Preble's meadow jumping mouse, 13184, 18630, 62259

El Paso County, CO; Preble's meadow jumping mouse, 45142, 53961

Gates County, NC; red-cockaded woodpecker, 3224

Gila and Maricopa Counties, AZ; southwestern willow flycatcher, etc., 47564

Keahole Point, HI; Hawaiian stilt, 98

Livingston Parish, LA; red-cockaded woodpecker, 43678

Marion and Hendricks Counties, IN; Indiana bats, 5610

Mendocino County, CA; Point Arena mountain beaver, 54818

Natomas Basin, Sacramento County, CA; giant garter snake, valley elderberry longhorn beetle, etc.; habitat conservation plan, 54819

Nye County, NV; desert tortoise, 39737

Plum Creek Timber Co. lands, WA, ID, and MT; grizzly bear, 2900

Riverside County, CA; coastal California gnatcatcher, 59304

San Diego County, CA; California gnatcatcher, 1496

San Luis Obispo County, CA; Morro shoulderband snail, 63444

Santa Cruz County, CA; Ben Lomond spineflower, 13354

Texas; golden-cheeked warbler, karst invertebrates,and Houston toad; annual report, 605

Ventura County, CA; coastal California gnatcatcher, 3731

Volusia County, FL ; Florida scrub-jay and eastern indigo snake, 37857

Williamson County, TX; Bone Cave harvestman, 3907

Williamson County, TX; golden-cheeked warbler, 13646, 20545

Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, AK; Swanson River Satellites Natural Gas Exploration and Development Project, 50453

Landfill & Resource Recovery, Inc. Superfund Site, RI; restoration plan, 20146

Little Darby National Wildlife Refuge, OH; withdrawn; local conservation initiatives, 62075

Resident Canada goose management, 10431

Meetings, 13792

Roanoke River National Wildlife Refuge, NC, 13793

Survival enhancement permits:

Bull trout; Falls Creek, Lemhi County, ID; safe harbor agreement, 13356

Hawaiian goose; Island of Molokai, HI; safe harbor agreement, 45755

Northern spotted owl; Blue Lake Properties, HumboldtCounty, CA, 13357

Robert Mondavi Winery, San Luis Obispo County, CA; safe harbor agreement, 30948

Southern Idaho ground squirrel; Washington and PayetteCounties, ID; candidate conservation agreement, 13189

T/V Command Oil Spill, San Francisco, CA; restoration planning for injured natural resources, 50454

Environmental statements; notice of intent:

Cullinan Ranch, San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge, CA, 46538

Incidental take permits:

California; Mendocino Redwood Co.'s habitat and natural community conservation plans, 38932

Kern County, CA; valley floor multiple species habitat conservation plan, 66413

Middle Fork Nooksack River, WA; habitat conservation plan, 37776

Survival enhancement permits:

Washington ground squirrel, etc.; Threemile Canyon Farms, Portland, OR, 1781

Trinity County, CA; Trinity River Mainstem Fishery Restoration Program, 13647

Grants and cooperative agreements; availability, etc.:

Ballast Water Treatment Technology Demonstration Program, 38934

Landowner Incentive Program (non-tribal portion) for States, territories, and District of Columbia, 39414, 61640

Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act Program, 17711

North American Wetlands Conservation Act:

Standard grant application instructions, 6737

Private Stewardship Program, 39419, 61649

Wetland and wetland-associated upland conservation projects, 45143

Excerpted from the Federal Register: