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Resources Chairman Pombo Selects Reps. Radanovich, Gilchrest, Calvert, McInnis and Cubin to Chair Subcommittees

February 10, 2003

[email protected]  (Mail_Resources_Republicans)

For Immediate Release:


Doug Heye - 202-225-1947

Tracey Shifflett - 202-226-9019

Washington, D.C. - House Resources Committee Chairman Richard Pombo today announced the leadership of the committee's five subcommittees.

Rep. George Radanovich, CA-19th, will chair the Subcommittee on National Parks, Recreation and Public Lands;

Rep. Wayne Gilchrest, MD-1st, will chair the Subcommittee on Fisheries Conservation, Wildlife and Oceans;

Rep. Ken Calvert, CA-43th, will chair the Subcommittee on Water and Power;

Rep. Scott McInnis, CO-03rd, will chair the Subcommittee on Forests and Forest Health;


Rep. Barbara Cubin, WY-At Large, will chair the Subcommittee on Energy and Minerals Resources.

Chairman Pombo's Statement:

"I am proud to be working with my colleagues on the Resources Committee. These representatives each have proven expertise and dedication in the subcommittees they chair. Their background and leadership will guarantee our success in reaching nonpartisan solutions to the many critical pieces of legislation the Committee needs to address this year. I look forward to working closely with each them to craft an effective Resources agenda for the 108th Congress."