Senate Legislative Update
July 29, 2003 Citizens Lobby Scott A. Lauf, Executive Director Washington, D.C. The Senate has been dealing with appropriations legislation as well as judicial nominations. Currently, the Senate is debating the energy bill (S. 14) and will be in session the remainder of the week. The Senate Judiciary subcommittee on immigration, border security and citizenship will be holding hearings on Tuesday to "examine the L-1 visa and American interests in the 21st century global economy." With the Chile-Singapore FTAs to be voted on soon by the full Senate, which will increase L-1 visa workers, it is imperative for citizens to speak out against foreign worker visas. Please contact Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA), subcommittee chairman, and let him know your opposition to L-1 visas. CALL (202) 224-3521, FAX (202) 224-0103, and E-MAIL: [email protected] ** PLEASE CALL & FAX both your Senators and tell them to vote "NO" on the Chile and Singapore FTAs (S. 1416 & S. 1417), which may be voted on this week. Thankfully, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) has placed a "hold" on the bills to delay a vote. This is an opportunity to help build citizen opposition to these bills. Click this link for contact info: The Senate Judiciary Committee will also be holding hearings this week on S.J. Res. 15, a proposed amendment to the constitution to make eligible for President persons who have been citizens of the U.S. for 20 years or more. Citizens Lobby strongly opposes this resolution and believes that the current constitutional requirement allowing only native-born citizens to run for president should remain intact. We'll keep you posted on this bill and other Senate proceedings ... |