"Water is a human right, not a
commodity. ... All
water resources, including the oceans, must
be protected [NOTE not part of quote:
Controlled, not 'protected'] as a public trust so that
commercial use of water does not diminish public or ecological
benefits." - The Sierra Club. 'Sierra
Club was one of 225 public interest organizations from around the
world that released the following declaration in Kyoto at the 3rd
World Water Forum setting forth principles for global water policy:
"Water, as a
public trust and an inalienable human right, must
be controlled by the peoples
and communities that rely on it for their lives and livelihoods.
The management of water services must
not only remain in public hands, but must be
revitalized and strengthened to
make community and worker participation central in order to
democratize decision-making processes and ensure transparency and
accountability." http://www.ventana.sierraclub.org/conservation/sc_watershed/water_as_human_right
Founded in the last years of the nineteenth century, the
Sierra Club has gone from being a small group of people interested in
preserving the beauty of our country's natural wonders, to a huge
lobbying force, a group with the environmental extremist 'John Muir
Sierrans' and a cash cow that has many thousands of well-meaning members
-- contributors that are unknowingly plotting their own demise when they
write their checks. Why is this? The Sierra Club touts 'zero
development,' 'negative population growth' and many other anti-human
Rather than believe that your dollars will go to help 'protect' an 'old-growth forest' somewhere that you'll be forbidden to ever see, and pining over how the 'bad, bad humans' have destroyed our natural resources, consider that, as long as you need the products made from trees -- a renewable resource, which is why the Forest Service is an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture -- you will need to do more than feel guilty about having ever been a tiny fraction of the reason for sawdust being created. The origins of the Sierra Club were noble, but the founders would probably be nauseated by what's come of their group.