Dear Reader:
Here is a list of articles -- already posted elsewhere at -- that predate the Language Deception button. It is simpler to list them and have you visit by clicking on each article and then clicking the "Back" button to return to the list, than to post all 121 articles here.
There is much of merit in this list that will amply illustrate the ways in which Language Deception is used to thwart cognitive function and resistance to unConstitutional and unAmerican actions.
Thank you for visiting!
Results 1 - 10 of about 123 from for "language deception"

My Official Public Comments regarding the
... destroy ranchers, not only in South Dakota, but wherever else such ‘management’
stalks the American resource provider with language deception guns drawn ... articles6/my_official_public_comments_rega.htm - 43k - Cached - Similar pages

Partnerships between gateway communities
... This is 'textbook' Delphi Technique -- conflict resolution and paralyzing the public
into total inability to resist by the use of language deception and the ... articles/partnerships_between_gateway_com.htm - 13k - Cached - Similar pages

Easement protects 3
Easement protects 3,000 acres of assets (LTE). (Note: I post and share this as an
example of the language deception that has become commonplace among the 'land ... 2004/articles5/easement_protects_3.htm - 6k - Cached - Similar pages

Environmental groups sue to block
Environmental groups sue to block [STOP] logging, protect Indiana bat. (Note: I
know this stalking horse of language deception well -- this is the 'poster ... articles10/environmental_groups_sue_to_bloc.htm - 8k - Cached - Similar pages

New Jersey Commits
... Space (Note: This article is such a minefield of language deception that
there's very little that could pass for truth in it. Plan ... - 11k - Cached - Similar pages

Florida Center for Community Design and Research
... planning.' Oh, they're Planning, all right, but has anyone asked if the Human Community
still gets its 'habitat?' What a piece of language deception this is ... 2004/articles/florida_center_for_community_des.htm - 7k - Cached - Similar pages

Shrimp industry files petition against six nations
... (Note: There's plenty of language deception in the hand-wringing from 'across the
pond' and right here -- the American Seafood Distributors Association. ... 2004/articles/shrimp_industry_files_petition_a.htm - 9k - Cached - Similar pages

Economists Criticize Forest Service Over
... stalking horse should concern you. Rife with language deception, it begs
a close and careful road. This is the implementation of ... 2004/articles/economists_criticize_forest_serv.htm - 9k - Cached - Similar pages

Checkerboard Shuffle
... (Note: This is another language deception -- The Wildlands Project is being sold
again to those readers, voters, etc., that don't yet understand that ... 2004/articles/checkerboard_shuffle.htm - 11k - Cached - Similar pages

Hogwash and balderdash
... This is far from being the first time that Mr. Dean has penned such a Trojan Horse
of language deception, all the while lulling his readers into the idea that ... 2004/articles5/hogwash_and_balderdash1.htm - 9k - Cached - Similar pages

Standoff ensnares Everglades
... into high-density housing and -- gag -- 'smart growth.' It isn't smart and it
isn't growth -- so is it all right to call it Control by language deception?). ... standoff_ensnares_everglades.htm - 14k - Cached - Similar pages

National park sparks opposition
... the chickens that they're safe with him. What a minefield of language deception!
Kay McClanahan is one thousand percent right with ... articles6/national_park_sparks_opposition.htm - 8k - Cached - Similar pages

Few animals lost to Biscuit flames
... of Interior, USFWS 'expert,' Randy Miller, crafts language deception and seeks to
make the reader believe that there should be no 'prescribed fires.' The ... few_animals_lost_to_biscuit_flam.htm - 9k - Cached - Similar pages

Agreement to protect more than 10
... steelhead trout (Note: The litigious ones are at it yet ... and the language
deception runs rife throughout.). September 8, 2003. Center ... articles5/agreement_to_protect_more_than_1.htm - 7k - Cached - Similar pages

Developers Find Payoff in Preservation
... Instead, they use the language deception terms/phrases like "protect," "preserve,"
"safeguard" and many more, making the reader think that land trusts value ... articles2/developers_find_payoff_in_preser.htm - 66k - Cached - Similar pages

The plight of the inholder
... The document is lengthy, but an excellent example of language deception and how
it is used to create a "risk" that is not there but is created in the mind of ... 2004/articles2/plight_of_the_inholder.htm - 6k - Cached - Similar pages

The Lake Apopka Agreement
... Project -- and the removal of private property and people from more vast reaches
of America -- being implemented under the stalking horse of language deception ... 2004/articles2/lake_apopka_agreement.htm - 61k - Cached - Similar pages

National Invasive Species Council Act
... almost a year ago by US Senators DeWine and Voinovich -- both from Ohio, Voinovich
a former Governor -- and proves that language deception and agendas continue ... articles2/national_invasive_species_counci.htm - 36k - Cached - Similar pages

John F
... Is he a teacher or a globalist change agent and fact besmircher, molding young minds
into good little globalists with no real concept of language deception? ... 2004/articles2/john_f.htm - 26k - Cached - Similar pages

... "Think Global, Act Local" has arrived at the gates, looking like a twenty-first
century Trojan Horse of language deception.) FEBRUARY 2004 This and previous ... 2004/articles2/aczisc_coastal_update.htm - 97k - Cached - Similar pages

PAR Seminars
(Note: Warning! Red Flags EVERYWHERE throughout this Trojan Horse of language deception
and intent to Control. Please read with care.) New Multistate PAR. ... 2004/articles2/par_seminars.htm - 11k - Cached - Similar pages

Terri Schiavo
Terri Schiavo's parents continue their fight. (Note: Typical language deception,
from the old "vegetative state" chant to the "right-to-die" the the euthanasia ... 2004/articles9/terri_schiavo1.htm - 4k - Cached - Similar pages

South Carolina
... Ms. Smith is still on our County Council 2003.). (Note: This is a veritable
minefield of 'conned senses' / Delphi / language deception. ... articles4/south_carolina.htm - 28k - Cached - Similar pages

Travel Industry Joins With the National Park Service and National ...
... America's National Parks" Promotional Campaign. (Note: Prepare for some
real language deception! Ask inholders within federal land ... articles3/travel_industry_joins_with_the_n.htm - 12k - Cached - Similar pages

Wildlife would benefit from Young
... And Relocation Act by those that treasure property rights and private property,
has been resurrected, complete with new language deception and sporting a more ... articles4/wildlife_would_benefit_from_youn.htm - 18k - Cached - Similar pages

Raising a howl
... gray wolf survive in the wild. (Note: Reader beware of the language deception
and the expendable truth. "The Mexican gray wolf is ... 2004/articles4/raising_a_howl.htm - 11k - Cached - Similar pages

... Virtually EVERY WORD of this. propaganda is Language Deception, except for
the part that praises what is REALLY important to them,. ... 2004/articles3/fearing.htm - 23k - Cached - Similar pages

... By hook or by crook, language deception is the preferred methodology in getting
the population to stop resisting as it is caged by mere words on paper. ... - 8k - Cached - Similar pages

Restoration effort rolls
Restoration effort rolls. (Note: There are five articles here to read and connect
the dots; some are riddled with language deception, while others are ... 2004/articles9/restoration_effort_rolls.htm - 32k - Cached - Similar pages

Mr. President, 357 members of Congress have proven by their vote ...
... Representatives with conscience voted to resist this Trojan Horse, come to steal
property rights with all form and fashion of language deception, while 357 ... - 13k - Cached - Similar pages

... It is for "Everglades restoration," which is part of The Wildlands Project, to use
the language deception of "endangered species" to take control of more than ... 2004/articles5/article1.htm - 42k - Cached - Similar pages

... The reality is that the real threats come from just such cavalier press releases,
as much so as the language deception cousins emanating from the self ... 2004/articles5/farming.htm - 33k - Cached - Similar pages

Nature Conservancy buys land near Yellowstone
Nature Conservancy buys land near Yellowstone. (Note: Language deception runs rife
throughout; if the word 'control' were substituted for 'protect/protection ... articles7/nature_conservancy_buys_land_nea.htm - 5k - Cached - Similar pages

lege-level courses to encourage streamlining.
... 6. UNPACK! Stop allowing language deception specialists to make you feel guilty
because THEY are using such tricks to enslave you and steal your dreams. ... 2004/articles8/two_short_lists.htm - 25k - Cached - Similar pages

Proceedings delayed for Hardy property
... This "conservation" or "restoration" is Conned Senses: the use of language deception
to make people think that the stealing of their Constitutional Republic is ... articles5/proceedings_delayed_for_hardy_pr.htm - 66k - Cached - Similar pages

My Official Testimony on HR 4100
... The higher [House] amount of $3.1 Billion would likely be the amount sought if these
two pieces of language deception and land theft make it to passage. ... articles8/my_official_testimony_on_hr_4100.htm - 17k - Cached - Similar pages


Meddlesome Mexico
... and as an American living in Mexico, he has a unique perspective along with his
frank honesty and superb writing skills, untarnished by language deception.). ... 2004/articles7/meddlesome_mexico.htm - 10k - Cached - Similar pages


Water scarcity prompts scientists to look down
... They use the most sticky wicket -- language deception -- to put people's warning
'gut feelings' to sleep and make us think that such control of ALL WATER, in ... water_scarcity_prompts_scientist.htm - 10k - Cached - Similar pages


Watershed trail may be test case
(Note: There is copious language deception within the bounds of this article,
appealing to the reader's emotions but not to his/her intellect. ... articles2/watershed_trail_may_be_test_case.htm - 9k - Cached - Similar pages


Mountain Biking and Wilderness Controversy Explored
... recreational miners, etc. This language deception smoke and mirrors is nothing
new, it's just wearing a different disguise. Do you ... articles2/mountain_biking_and_wilderness_c.htm - 5k -

Cached - Similar pages


Park fees set to reach new heights
... sites was only other option. (Note: Beware the numerous language deception
potholes herein, in both articles.). December 30, 2003. By ... articles7/park_fees_set_to_reach_new_heigh.htm - 18k -

Cached - Similar pages

Marine Reserve Networks Key to Protecting Oceans
... the real agenda -- control. Does this use of language deception make you
feel any better?). January 14, 2003. Palo Alto, California ... marine_reserve_networks_key_to_p.htm - 19k - Cached - Similar pages

Cities feel state pressure to expand buffer zones
Cities feel state pressure to expand buffer zones (Note: The trap is springing shut
and still the language deception has not tipped off the public.). ... articles3/cities_feel_state_pressure_to_ex.htm - 7k -

Cached - Similar pages

New Page 4
'Axles of evil' at logging rally. (Note: This is language deception, front
and center. Everyone -- EVERYONE -- uses products made ... 2004/articles10/axles.htm - 5k - Cached - Similar pages

Broke USFS spends
... They can't be! Until we are... The language deception is that this is part of the
incrementation of The Wildlands Project, going on right under people's noses. ... articles5/broke_usfs_spends.htm - 5k - Cached - Similar pages

National Forest
National Forest 'Roadless' Areas Benefit Virginia Economy; US Newswire 6/23. (Note:
This is a prime example of journalistic language deception, recalling a ... 2004/articles7/national_forest.htm - 12k - Cached - Similar pages

Anti-fill amendment being discussed. (Note: Language deception has been
successful beyond the perpetrators' wildest dreams ... this ... - 6k - Cached - Similar pages

US taxpayers help buy "beetle tract" in Nebraska
... This is the same language deception stalking horse that US Fish & Wildlife Service
tried to use to move the Amish and Mennonite farmers from their 200-year ... - 9k - Cached - Similar pages


Log ban imposed on Jackson forest
Log ban imposed on Jackson forest (Note: Such language deception, to make the reader
think 'visioning.' Retch.). July 13, 2003. By Mike Ceniella. ... articles2/log_ban_imposed_on_jackson_fores.htm - 7k -

Cached - Similar pages


Rescue the Most Endangered Rivers of 2003
(Note: For all those that understand language deception, this ploy is carefully
crafted, but the bottom line is still and remains: Control. ... rescue_the_most_endangered_river.htm - 13k - Cached - Similar pages

Farmland funding boost sought
Farmland funding boost sought - lawmakers note rising pressure from developers.
(Note: This is language deception, carefully crafted to blame 'developers' for ... 2004/articles3/farmland_funding_boost_sought.htm - 9k -

Cached - Similar pages


New Mexicans accuse Forest Service of botching fire response
New Mexicans accuse Forest Service of botching fire response. (Note: This language
deception carefully leaves out the fact that 'prescribed burns' and ... articles6/new_mexicans_accuse_forest_servi.htm - 8k -

Cached - Similar pages


Rights Of Way Restrictions Eased
... It is very difficult to pick out the truth from this minefield of language deception.)
(Note from John Stewart: Environmental activists are beginning to attack ... rights_of_way_restrictions_eased.htm - 6k - Cached - Similar pages


Conservationists to restore major Illinois wetland
... Additional reading: First is the 'Think Global, Act Local' language deception:
Illinois State Water Survey 2003 Strategic Plan ... ... articles6/conservationists_to_restore_majo.htm - 25k -

Cached - Similar pages


Developing Sustainable Communities
(Note: The reader's emotions are being played upon -- to the hilt -- while the intellect
is being paralyzed by language deception and fairy tales. ... articles6/developing_sustainable_communiti.htm - 41k -

Cached - Similar pages

Fish and Wildlife Officials Recommend Protecting More Land for ...
(Note: The language deception that runs rife throughout this article begins in the
title: "Recommend Protecting" should Red Flag all savvy readers! ... fish_and_wildlife_officials_reco.htm - 7k - Cached - Similar pages


Ocelots endangered along Rio Grande
... 'Being killed by cars was 44 percent of the total mortality, which was a pretty
high percentage.'" This article reeks of language deception.). ... articles5/ocelots_endangered_along_rio_gra.htm - 11k -

Cached - Similar pages

(Note: This article would have a lot fewer words without the language deception.).
February 27, 2003. By Nikki Cobb, staff writer. [email protected]. ... - 6k - Cached - Similar pages

New Page 4
(Note: Welcome to the 'wonderful world' of the Delphi Technique and Language Deception!
The Klamath Tribes don't trust the ONRC and neither should the reader. ... articles6/conservatives.htm - 15k - Cached - Similar pages

... Immediate Steps. (Note: This is the United Nations and its partners, 'educating'
by use of language deception. Beware!). June 4, 2003. Today ... - 5k - Cached - Similar pages

Conservancy to buy pristine Needmore property
(Note: The slang term for language deception, also known as Hegelian Dialectic,
is 'doublespeak.' Seldom is it used to compose a total article. ... conservancy_to_buy_pristine_need.htm - 8k - Cached - Similar pages


Management Practices for Agricultural Nonpoint Sources
(Note: This is textbook point/counterpoint language deception, using the 'conflict
management' approach that leaves the reader scratching his head and saying ... articles5/management_practices_for_agricul.htm - 5k -

Cached - Similar pages

Missouri River states ask government to consider moving endangered ...
... Language deception, used to destroy our economy, like 'might' and 'could' shows
the extent to which the United Nations and its 'Environment Programme' -- UNEP ... missouri_river_states_ask_govern.htm - 5k - Cached - Similar pages

... (Note: Rife with language deception, this is 'textbook' Delphi. Reader beware!).
By Mary E. Kelly. [email protected]. ... - 8k - Cached - Similar pages


Hurricane Isabel a test of homeland security
Hurricane Isabel a test of homeland security (Note: Here are the language deception
experts again, hard at work conning senses and using Hegelian Dialectic on ... articles4/hurricane_isabel_a_test_of_homel.htm - 8k -

Cached - Similar pages

Are You Ready to Bet on Smart Growth
... This sinewy sidewinder of language deception has slithered into the darkest corners
of our country, and is, truly, an invasive species.). January 2000. ... are_you_ready_to_bet_on_smart_gr.htm - 37k - Cached - Similar pages

Wilderness Society Seeks Protection of Alabama Forests
Wilderness Society Seeks Protection of Alabama Forests (Note: Along with all the
language deception that you're about to read, now they're even calling Federal ... wilderness_society_seeks_protect.htm - 5k - Cached - Similar pages

Forum focuses on environment
... Beware, reader! The po' folkses is bein' taken for granted ... another language
deception Trojan Horse.). August 23, 2003. By Wafeeq Zarif, Staff Writer. ... articles4/forum_focuses_on_environment.htm - 5k - Cached - Similar pages

Appeals court to hear arguments in silvery minnow case
... Read with care as you navigate the minefield of language deception.). January 13,
2003. Casper Star-Tribune. Casper, Wyoming. ... appeals_court_to_hear_arguments_.htm - 7k - Cached - Similar pages

Ranchers attack Gaviota proposal
... property rights (Note: It is a real piece of work, this article, taking
language deception/reengineering to new lows. Those quoted ... ranchers_attack_gaviota_proposal1.htm - 8k - Cached - Similar pages

US Transportation Secretary Mineta Launches Campaign Urging ...
... the strings. This article is a real example of language deception. See the
number of times the word 'could' is put into play. Just ... - 7k - Cached - Similar pages


No Kidney Damage Seen As Schiavo Feeding Continues
... His attorney, the language deception expert Felos, waxes clinical in his intimate
telling of Terri, as though he cared, which he doesn't. He, like Michael, and ... articles5/no_kidney_damage_seen_as_schiavo.htm - 7k -

Cached - Similar pages


UNEP Looks at Making Green
(Note: It's a good bet that those proposing such language deception have no intention
of 'walking the walk' themselves -- witness the circus that the 2002 UN ... unep_looks_at_making_green.htm - 10k - Cached - Similar pages


BLM to preserve Mojave desert land
(Note: John Bezzant, a vp of Catellus Corp. -- which recently changed its name
to REIT -- seems to have language deception 'down pat' with this: "What makes ... blm_to_preserve_mojave_desert_la.htm - 7k - Cached - Similar pages


Research should place more emphasis on enviro issues
Research should place more emphasis on enviro issues -- NAS (Note: Language deception
is carefully entwined throughout this article. Please read with care!). ... research_should_place_more_empha.htm - 5k - Cached - Similar pages


A Guide to Understanding a Sense of Place from EPA Free copy ...
(Note: Your hard-earned tax dollars are being used for this freedom-stealing,
language-deception waste of paper and ink!). January 28, 2003. ... a_guide_to_understanding_a_sense.htm - 4k - Cached - Similar pages


Connecting Conservation Easements to The Wildlands Project
... and/or description garnered 1,111 results, so you can readily see that CEs are a
for-profit, land control enterprise skillfully couched in language deception. ... articles6/connecting_conservation_easement.htm - 101k -

Cached - Similar pages


Congress Pleases the People
(Note: Conned senses and the Delphi Technique run rife throughout; beware the language
deception!). September 19, 2003. By Fiona Macleod, Durban. ... articles4/congress_pleases_the_people.htm - 7k - Cached - Similar pages


Logging Pollution Damages North Coast Watersheds
Logging Pollution Damages North Coast Watersheds (Note: This article spins faster
than a top with all the language deception and emotional-appeal wording. ... logging_pollution_damages_north_.htm - 11k - Cached - Similar pages


Grant To Protect Santa Cruz Habitat
Grant To Protect Santa Cruz Habitat (CA) (Note: Conned senses -- er, consensus --
is the name. Language deception is the game.). August 11, 2003. ... articles5/grant_to_protect_santa_cruz_habi.htm - 5k -

Cached - Similar pages

General Motors and The Nature Conservancy
... Threatened Brazilian Forests (Note: The language deception below is enough
to make you lose your appetite -- or your lunch! The Editor ... general_motors_and_the_nature_co1.htm - 8k - Cached - Similar pages

... light. Could it be a bit of language deception?). April 14, 2003. By Noel C.
Paul. Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor. Cattle ... - 13k - Cached - Similar pages

Wolf expert gets a chilly reception
Maries expresses fear of wolves' impact on elk herds (Note from S: The biased spin
that the author's use of language deception gives the reader, gives the ... wolf_expert_gets_a_chilly_recept.htm - 7k - Cached - Similar pages

NC land
... This plethora of language deception masquerading under the banner of 'free speech'
is nothing more than a media Medusa.). News & Record. PO Box 20848. ... - 9k - Cached - Similar pages

Activist and Developers Forge a Win
... This article is a minefield of language deception.). February 19, 2003. By
Queena Sook Kim. Staff Reporter of The Wall Street Journal. ... activist_and_developers_forge_a_.htm - 8k - Cached - Similar pages

Two days of talking fish
Two days of talking fish: Klamath Fisheries Task Force hears agency reports (Note:
What a masterful use of language deception is used herein! ... two_days_of_talking_fish.htm - 9k - Cached - Similar pages

Communities are buying land to protect space
... space (Note: By its very title, this article employs language deception to
tug at readers' emotions and dull their intellects. Beware ... communities_are_buying_land_to_p.htm - 9k - Cached - Similar pages

Density Limits Only Add To Sprawl
Density Limits Only Add To Sprawl (Note: The tangled morass of language
deception has been very carefully woven in this article. ... density_limits_only_add_to_spraw.htm - 19k - Cached - Similar pages

Secretary Norton Announces New Appointments to BLM Resource ...
... Some of the names on this list fairly jump off the page -- known consensus wizards
and other language deception practitioners.). October 21, 2002. Contact: ... secretary_norton_announces_new_a.htm - 6k - Cached - Similar pages

Survival of the species
... Certainly, the highly paid -- by nameless groups that wield large pursestrings --
'spokesmen' are glib and masters at language deception. ... survival_of_the_species.htm - 9k - Cached - Similar pages

RS 2477 Roads Threaten Refuge Lands
(Note: This is more from 'the other side.' Just so you know, they love to
use language deception to arouse emotions and dull intellect. ... articles3/rs_2477_roads_threaten_refuge_la.htm - 7k -

Cached - Similar pages


Success is economic growth while preserving our resources
(Note: This was penned by someone that is extremely adept at language deception
and making a hungry wolf appear to be a placid sheep. ... success_is_economic_growth_while.htm - 4k - Cached - Similar pages


Three more gray wolves found dead in the West
... Yep, for sure ... that ole language deception and appealing to the reader's emotions
rather than gray matter is at work here.). September 27, 2003. ... articles5/three_more_gray_wolves_found_dea.htm - 4k -

Cached - Similar pages


Western states troubled by timber
Western states troubled by timber (Note: This one is spinning like a top, it has
so much language deception! Read with care, dear reader.). January 27, 2003. ... western_states_troubled_by_timbe.htm - 9k - Cached - Similar pages


Commissioners could move to give up county roads in southern ...
... Estates (Note: This reporter is either very naive, or he's mastered Language
Deception 101 and Hagelian Dialectic 102. Reader beware! ... articles2/commissioners_could_move_to_give.htm - 15k -

Cached - Similar pages

Buy a Little
... Enemies have come in the night, not with a gun but with a smile and a lie [and clever,
carefully orchestrated Language Deception] to steal all that we have ... 2004/articles9/buy_a_little.htm - 17k - Cached - Similar pages


Discussions aim to repair border water in coming decade
(Note from RG: Note the land use grab hidden in the middle of the document. Note:
This article is a veritable landmine of language deception.). August 29, 2003. ... articles4/discussions_aim_to_repair_border.htm - 7k -

Cached - Similar pages

Corner Post
... nervous. The language deception is vividly present here, and thinking that
"Christian Farmers" are buying in to the deception is sad. ... - 6k - Cached - Similar pages

Waterfowl experts say duck hunting is on
... (Note: This article bears close scrutiny and a keen awareness of the language deception
that is the fabric from which it has been cut.). February 12, 2003. ... waterfowl_experts_say_duck_hunti.htm - 18k - Cached - Similar pages

Saving the Wild
... The language deception starts with the first word in the title of this article and
runs rampant throughout.). February 7, 2003. By Alan Schnepf, Staff Writer. ... - 14k - Cached - Similar pages

Senate Passes CARE Act 95
... back. Also, this 'news source' is anything but 'fair' in its reporting. The
language deception runs rife throughout.). National Desk. ... senate_passes_care_act_95.htm - 18k - Cached - Similar pages

North Dakota doesn
(Note: Oh, how cleverly this speaker weaves his web of language deception! Read
with care, please!). January 24, 2001. By Caroline Downs. ... - 11k - Cached - Similar pages

Irving Oil supports greenhouse treaty
... all under the banner of being ever so cooperative and compliant for 'the environment'
and 'global warming' -- witness this masterpiece of language deception! ... irving_oil_supports_greenhouse_t.htm - 11k - Cached - Similar pages

My official public comments on the Biscuit Fire Recovery Plan ...

... While the larger "urban areas" are indeed growing, this very language deception
is decimating the heartland of America and he" flyover country. Why, the ... 2004/articles/my_official_public_comments_on_t.htm - 74k -

Cached - Similar pages

New Page 4
... If the reader will be cognizant about language deception, the articles take on
a vastly different tone than 'water for all.'). March 24, 2003. ... - 25k - Cached - Similar pages

... International Articles. Invasive Species. Jim Beers. Julie's Reports. Klamath. Language
Deception. Legal Help. Letters to the Editor. Legislation. Links. Litigation ... - 26k - Oct 26, 2004 - Cached - Similar pages

Lawsuit leads to forest protection

... This language deception should always raise Red Flags with the astute reader.
Just wait 'til you 'officially' learn about the 'potential ... articles2/lawsuit_leads_to_forest_protecti.htm - 17k -

Cached - Similar pages


... peoples of such countries stand little chance of resisting global PacMan, with their
limited education running up against the experts of language deception. ... 2004/articles2/department_of_the_interior.htm - 56k -

Cached - Similar pages


Paseo trail closer to completion
Paseo trail closer to completion. (Note: This is language deception designed to
confuse and obscure the intent: to put people out of cars and onto foot trails. ... articles9/paseo_trail_closer_to_completion.htm - 5k -

Cached - Similar pages


Forest Service and ATVs
... unrealistic -- BUT, many of your elected officials have taken the bait, hook, line
and sinker, because it has masked the hook so well with language deception. ... 2004/articles3/forest_service_and_atvs.htm - 16k -

Cached - Similar pages

Doctors examine Schiavo
Doctors examine Schiavo 'wounds'. (Note: This article is fairly bristling with language
deception, from calling those that are trying to help Terri 'religious ... 2004/articles3/doctors_examine_schiavo.htm - 9k -

Cached - Similar pages


... We see all too clearly that 'Mexican Spotted Owl habitat' is language deception,
and that the owl -- like the Indiana Bat and hundreds of other trumped up ... - 7k - Cached - Similar pages


Park plan may be headed for Congress
... You're not buying what they're trying to sell - just say NO!). (Note: It's all about
language deception -- 'smoke and mirrors.' It has Nothing to do with 'parks ... park_plan_may_be_headed_for_cong.htm - 10k -

Cached - Similar pages

Speak Out on Sprawl
... smart' nor 'growth.' The 'conflict resolution' that Fonfara seeks to work on the
reader is obvious by his use of blatant language deception: "People will wake ... articles6/speak_out_on_sprawl.htm - 7k - Cached - Similar pages

Wrong Side Out
... They, of course, being masters of [language] deception, will feign smiles, like
Wendell Wood did there at the A Canal Headgates in August 2001, and continue ... 2004/articles3/wrong_side_out.htm - 6k - Cached - Similar pages

No Fees
... deep ecology' and 'Gaia worship' ahead of people, ostensibly to 'save', 'restore',
'protect', 'manage', 'rewild', or whatever other LANGUAGE DECEPTION is used ... 2004/articles5/no_fees.htm - 6k - Cached - Similar pages

The Wolf Files
... Check out the language deception in THIS
paragraph, immediately below! TESF CONTROLS -- it doesn't "protect". ... 2004/articles10/wolf_files.htm - 80k - Cached - Similar pages

(Note: To see how the 'other side' thinks and operates. The psyche is bombarded
by language deception in this; please, read with care!). November 26, 2002. ... - 15k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

Private Land Lockup
... Bill Grigg has used them to educate and alert the reader; he does not use
language deception but rather calls your attention to it. ... 2004/articles10/private_land_lockup.htm - 40k - Cached - Similar pages

Large Water Systems Need Homeland Security Upgrades
(Note: THIS is an article to study carefully, negotiating the language deception
and Hegalian dialectic that abounds within it!). June 19, 2003. ... articles/large_water_systems_need_homelan.htm - 4k -

Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

Developer Creates an Opening
... For your country? This article fairly bristles with language deception, seeking
to arouse your sympathies for Gang Green/Greed!). May 29, 2003. ... articles/developer_creates_an_opening.htm - 12k -

Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages