Federal Register

[U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service] issues Interim [Special] Rule for threatened Beluga Sturgeon 10-24-04
Forest Service intent to take over States' jurisdiction of all waters, mining, etc. 9-05-04
Critical Sand Dune Habitat Designated for Peirson's Milk Vetch 8-08-04
EPA Inspector General (IG) finds EPA grants given illegally to  group that lobbies EPA 7-30-04
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Publishes Notice of Availability of Draft Annual Funding Agreement with the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes in Federal Register 7-15-04

Emergency Closure of Federal Lands 12-17-03
Preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement for Issuance of an Incidental Take Permit 12-12-03
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; 10-17-03
Special Regulations 10-05-03
USFWS paying state game & fish for doing some of their dirty work 9-15-03
2003 Forest Legacy Program Implementation Guidelines 8-30-03
Marine Protected Areas and an Inventory of Existing Marine Managed Areas 8-28-03
Executive Order 12630 7-14-03
California: 08/04/03 EIS for Habitat Conservation Plan for East Contra Costa County, California 7-12-03
Proposed Amendment 7-12-03
Draft Environmental Impact Statement on the Klamath Project Operation 06-13-03
Final Rule to Reclassify the Gray Wolf 4-13-03
Federally-threatened Lake Erie water snakes 4-12-03
'Smart Growth' an International Ploy 4-12-03
Glamis Marigold Mining Company/Marigold Mine Millennium Expansion Project 4-04-03
Critical Habitat for 4 species Comment until March 28, 2003 3-17-03
California: ICP for WRCMSHCP February 27, 2003 3-14-03
Deadline extended on Forest Service Proposed Planning Rule to April 7, 2003 3-06-03
Designation of Critical Habitat for the RGS Minnow 2-24-03
Coronado National Forest, Arizona; Alpha Calcit Marble Mine 2-24-03
Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on the Clean Water Act 2-12-03
Ohio: Cuyahoga Valley National Park 2-09-03
National Forest Action Alert 2-09-03
Federal Register - USFWS - Northern Aplomado Falcon 2-09-03
Proposed Rules 1-28-03
Notice of Intent To Prepare a Land Use Plan Amendment and Environmental Assessment 1-28-03
Homeland Security Department 1-27-03
2003 Federal Register Contents 1-24-03
USFWS: Mountain Quail will not be listed as Threatened or Endangered 1-23-03
Extortion in Texas 1-23-03
Fish and Wildlife Service RULES 1-09-03
The Forest Service will be updating its strategic plan over thenext twelve months 12-21-02