FLAG***These websites may be checked for misinformation and skewed
"public awareness" also known as "public
http://www.agnic.org/mtg/ Agricultural Conferences, Meetings
[and] Seminars Calendar
http://www.agoregon.org Another Andy Kerr website: Alternatives
to Growth Oregon: "In addition to launching Alternatives to
Growth Oregon, Kerr runs the Larch Co., an environmental consulting
firm named after a tree that thrives on scorched earth."
American Lands Alliance
http://www.americanlands.org/forestweb/research.htm American
Lands Alliance - Links to Major Environmental Information Centers
http://www.americanlands.org/forestweb/yearbook.htm American
Lands Alliance National Forest Yearbook: "A Heritage at Risk
from Logging, Recreation, Grazing, Mining, Road Building, Land
Trades and More"
http://www.americanlands.org/section_706.htm Senator Daschle's
deal with the Sierra Club; codified after being included in the
Defense spending bill.
http://www.andykerr.net In his words: The Home Page of Andy
Kerr: Conservationist, Writer, Analyst, Political Operative,
Inside/Outside Agitator, Public Speaker, Strategist, Tactician, Foot
Soldier, Schmoozer and Raconteur
http://www.animalliberation.net/doa/ Animal Liberation Front
"Diary Of Actions" Quote from site: "Every single night,
the women and men of the Animal Liberation Front carry out direct
action to stop animal cruelty at its sources, somewhere in the
world. England and the United States see thousands of attacks a year
and A.L.F. cells are active across the industrialized world. Whether
it's the Black Ravens in Russia, the Wild Minks in Sweden, Animal
Rescue in Japan, or the A.L.F. in New Zealand, Canada, Israel,
Poland, Italy, Slovakia, etc., the goal is the same: to liberate the
suffering and destroy the property of those who kill for profit. We
need action reports from everywhere but especially European
Countries. If you hear of any action (old or new) in your country,
why not write us a note and give us any details you can? Don't
assume that we will hear about it from someone else. Countries
presently targets for direct actions: AOTEAROA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA
http://www.animalliberation.net/doa/info.html (Note: The few,
the proud, the Paranoid. Read on:) We encourage the use of
encryption ... For general questions, feedback and requests: [email protected]
Reporting Actions, Information Sources and Verification: Reporting
Actions: Our archive represents only a fraction of the actual
actions, as most go unreported. Please let us know if you have heard
of any action not listed here. We need action reports from
everywhere but especially European Countries. If you hear of any
action (old or new) in your country, why not write us a note and
give us any details you can? Don't assume that we will hear about it
from someone else. When sending communiques, send multiple copies to
one (or preferably several) of the supporters groups listed in the
support section in order to make sure at least one gets delivered.
Assume that ALL mail to any supporters group (or other animal rights
group) is opened, read, copied, and fingerprinted by law enforcement
agencies. Make sure you send letters SECURELY! If sending email read
up on Internet & Computer Security. Be careful to NOT have
anything on or in it that will incriminate you or others.
Information Sources & Verification: Sources of information are
extensive and include; A.L.F. supporters groups, A.L.F. press
offices, animal rights group newsletters, and mainstream news
sources - newspapers, magazines, television, web sites, wire
services, etc. Our Diary of Action lists are never complete. There
are thousands of actions every year around the world and we only
hear about a fraction of them. All actions are verified to the best
of our capabilities.
2001 Year-End Direct Action Report Released by A.L.F. Press Office
Jan. 16, 2002 – The North American A.L.F. Press Office has just
released its Year-End Report for 2001. The 46-page report contains
the complete lists of all known illegal direct actions taken for
animal liberation, as well as for earth liberation, and those taken
against genetically modified organisms (GMO) research and genetic
engineering (GE) in the past year. The Report includes a complete
statistical and geographical breakdown of last year's direct
actions, an analysis of target categories and major actions, as well
as comments on the future of illegal direct action post-Sept., and
into 2002. A hard copy can be purchased for $10 from the A.L.F.
Press Office at the address below. The following information
represents some of the totals for the year of 2001 from actions
taken on the frontlines for animal liberation. Please remember that
this list is far from complete; it simply represents the actions
known by the ALF Press Office. Numerous actions, especially those
where only minor property destruction occurred, typically are never
reported nor claimed by anyone. There was a total of 137 illegal
direct actions in North America in 2001; 72 of those were for animal
liberation, 51 for earth liberation, and 14 against GMO/GE. The
A.L.F. took credit for 35 of those actions, the E.L.F. took credit
for 29, and 3 were jointly claimed by both groups. The following
targets were hit by animal liberation activists in 2001: 10 fur
stores 8 Stephens Inc. targets 7 Bank of New York offices or
facilities 5 research labs 2 Bank of America offices or facilities 4
animal breeders 4 meat stores 3 fur farms 3 McDonalds 3 Dairy Queen
3 Burger King 3 factory farms 2 HLS targets 2 Pizza Hut 1 KFC 1
Wendy's 1 hunting store 1 pet store 1 wild horse facility 1 circus
animal train Damaged property: approx. 150 windows or glass doors
approx. 11 vehicles and 1 yacht 4 fires were set Animals rescued or
released: 3000 mink 1047 ducks and ducklings 469 chickens 200 horses
62 pigeons 50 geese 44 beagles 28 rabbits 12 perch 10 ferrets 2
hermit crabs 1 snail North American Animal Liberation Front Press
Office ***The Voice of the A.L.F.*** Spokesperson: David Barbarash
Email: [email protected]
250-897-0791 24-Hour Fax Line: 419-858-9065 Mailing Address: P.O.
Box 3673, Courtenay, B.C. V9N 7P1 Canada
http://www.bigdarby.org (Nature Conservancy website)
http://www.biologicaldiversity.org/swcbd/index.html Southwest
Center for Biological Diversity
fostering local decision-making in support of sustainable
communities in the Mid-Atlantic Highlands. The Mid-Atlantic
Highlands includes portions of Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and
all of West Virginia. The Institute is a not-for-profit,
non-advocacy organization committed to enhancing the ability of the
region's residents to improve their quality of life. CVI works to
help communities build on their assets and implement locally
determined solutions to problems that threaten their economic or
environmental resources."
The Canaan Valley Institute Partners
The Center for Agricultural, Resource and Environmental Systems
(CARES) is an intercollegiate research and education center within
the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources at the
University of Missouri at Columbia. Very involved in sustainable
http://www.cec.org/home/index.cfm?varlan=english North American
Commission for Environmental Cooperation
http://www.celb.org Center for Environmental Leadership in
http://cgee.hamline.edu/waters2thesea/concepts.htm The Center
for Global Environmental Education (CGEE)
http://www.cgg.ch The Commission on Global Governance
http://www.cgg.ch/tor.htm The Commission on Global Governance
Terms of Reference
The Commission on Global Governance Links Page (VERY interesting)
http://www.columbusinfobase.org City of Columbus (Ohio) -
Planning Division - A community information resource developed and
maintained by the Neighborhood Planning Section of the Columbus
Planning Division. You will find data on Franklin County and the
city of Columbus, along with various Columbus neighborhoods and
planning districts.
"The Riverfront Vision" -- The Columbus Riverfront Vision
Plan (Columbus, Ohio) expresses the community's vision for a
nine-mile corridor that stretches along the Scioto & Olentangy
rivers from The Ohio State University to State Route 104. The plan
identifies over 600 acres of potential parkland, 30 miles of
mixed-use trails & 150 acres of new development opportunities.
The Plan makes general design & development recommendations for
the entire nine-mile corridor, as well as specific recommendations
tailored to address the unique characteristics of each of the five
reach areas established through the planning process.
The Riverfront Vision Plan –
Columbus, Ohio
ConservationEconomy.net: A Pattern Language for Sustainability
http://council.ci.columbus.oh.us Columbus, Ohio, City Council
http://www.ctl.com.au/zen/valley2.htm (Earth Net)
http://databank.ncss.org/links.php National Council for the
Social Studies Links Page
http://www.deepecology.org Foundation for Deep Ecology/Megatechnology
& Globalization Program (William Devall)
http://deepteaching.com Jackie Alan Giuliano, Ph.D. a writer and
teacher [and self-proclaimed deep ecologist] in Seattle, WA; author
of "Healing Our World," A Journey from the Darkness Into
the Light." This site automatically transfers the visitor to http://www.healingourworld.com
http://www.deltastrategy.org Delta Strategy
http://www.earthcharter.org The Earth Charter Initiative
http://www.earthforce.org/green/ GREEN –
Global Rivers Environmental Education Network
http://www.eco-index.org "Eco-Exchange," a publication
of the Rainforest Alliance
http://www.ecosystem.org Northwest Ecosystem Alliance
http://www.ecouncil.ac.cr The Earth Council
http://www.eeeee.net Five E's Unlimited (Sustainable Development
Solutions: Specializing in environmental sustainability,
strengthened economies, & social equity. SUSTAINABILITY is
achieved when we understand the economic, environmental, and social
CONSEQUENCES of our actions and make DELIBERATE CHOICES that allow
all people to lead healthy, productive and enjoyable lives.)
http://www.envlc.org (Eastern Nevada Landscape Coalition)
Northern and Central California Coastal Wetland Information System
Big Darby Creek Watershed Data Sharing Project (OSU and TNC)
American Farmland Trust: Dialogues with Agriculture –
Appendices (79-page pdf file)
Funders Network on Trade and Globalization (FNTG) The mission of the
Funders Network on Trade and Globalization is to support foundations
and other members of the funding community in their efforts to
promote global relations, policies and institutions that foster
environmentally sustainable, human-centered and just economic
development in the US and around the world. FNTG emerged out of a
series of briefings organized by the Environmental Grantmakers
Association and the Consultative Group on Biodiversity in Seattle
during the 3rd Ministerial Meetings of the World Trade Organization
towards the end of 1999. Over 40 funders attended these briefings
and civil society-led events during those dramatic days, and a
decision was made soon after to launch a new network devoted to
trade and broader globalization issues. FNTG is for grantmakers who
care about human rights, democracy, peace, social justice, and
environmental sustainability. The starting point for FNTG is that
globalization matters to these issues. While each of our
perspectives on globalization may differ, as grantmakers, we share a
common commitment to a more just and sustainable society. As a
consequence, globalization and its impacts-good and bad-matter to
all of us. Globalization, a central phenomenon of our time, deserves
our attention. FNTG has emerged out of concerns that the full
implications of globalization are neither sufficiently understood
nor adequately addressed by foundations and other members of the
funding community. The network's goals are to: 1. Raise awareness of
the relevance of international trade and other globalization issues
to the funding community; 2. Identify information needs of funders,
focus on emerging global issues and promote potential funding
opportunities and alliances in ways that help increase the strategic
impact of grantmaking; and 3. Increase financial resources devoted
to environmentally sustainable, human-centered and just economic
development worldwide.
http://forests.org Forest Conservation Portal -- Rainforest,
Forest and Biodiversity Conservation News & Information: The
site features a search index of the entire content of nearly 1,000
reviewed forest conservation sites and makes approximately 1/2
million URLS fully searchable.
http://www.globalforestwatch.org Global Forest Watch
http://www.global-vision.org Global Vision Corporation,
sponsored by the United Nations
http://www.green.org Earth Force – GREEN – Global Rivers
Environmental Education Network
Mikhail Gorbachev's website
"Water Conflict Prevention" In their own words lies the
intent: Green Cross works to prevent conflicts in water-stressed
regions. We promote informed and participatory decision-making,
regional cooperation and the integrated management of land and water
resources at the basin level. Green Cross contributes to the
prevention and resolution of actual and potential conflicts by
convening people representing all sectors of affected communities to
shape solutions together. We aim to actively avoid and mitigate
conflicts in water-stressed regions by encouraging the participatory
integrated management of basins at the local, national and
international levels. Green Cross promotes the need for
international mediation to prevent and resolve water related
conflicts, the need for an international fund for water, to be used
particularly in times of emergency, and the recognition that a basic
entitlement to safe water is a universal human right. Current
activities include our integrated Water Emergency Plan for the
Middle East, the Fight Against Desertification in Burkina Faso and
Cote d'Ivoire, a drinking water project in Swaziland, mediation
between communities effected by large dams in Argentina and
Paraguay, and active involvement in the World Water Council, Global
Water Partnership and Gender and Water Alliance. Green Cross
International was a major contributor to the World Water Vision for
the 21st Century and 2nd World Water Forum in the Hague in March
2000, and is active and committed to the continuing "Framework
for Action" process. Regional projects are already being
developed in West and Southern Africa, South America and Eastern
The Green Institute (their library is in Minneapolis, Minnesota)
http://www.greenteacher.com "Green Teacher: Education for
Planet Earth"
http://www.healingourworld.com Jackie Alan Giuliano, Ph.D. a
writer and teacher [and self-proclaimed deep ecologist] in Seattle,
WA; author of ""Healing Our World", A Journey from
the Darkness Into the Light." A site search for "human
extinction" gets 17 ONSITE results
The International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives
http://www.igc.org/igc/gateway/index.html EcoNet
http://www.iisd.ca International Institute for Sustainable
http://www.islandpress.com Island Press, the environmental
http://legacy.ca.gov The California Legacy Project (should be
renamed the California Wildlands Project, since that's what it is)
http://www.liscnet.org Local Initiatives Support Corporation
http://lowimpactdevelopment.org Low Impact Development: A
non-profit organization balancing growth and environmental integrity
-- Established to develop and provide information to individuals and
organizations dedicated to protecting the environment and our water
resources through proper site design techniques that replicate
pre-existing hydrologic site conditions.
The Midtown Greenway Coalition (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Sustainable Development Michigan State University - Center for Urban
Affairs (CUA) – Links Page (Mother Lode!)
The "Global 200 (map):" More than 200 areas have been
identified by World Wildlife Fund as the most critical regions for
conservation. They are some of the richest, rarest and most
endangered terrestrial, marine and freshwater natural areas on the
"Terrestrial Ecoregions of the World" map
http://www.nature.org The Nature Conservancy
"Nature Serve: Knowledge To Protect the Diversity of Life"
States of the Union: Ranking America's Biodiversity – A
NatureServe Report prepared FOR THE Nature Conservancy
The NCSD Network (The National Councils for Sustainable Development
– operational in over 80 countries)
http://www.ncss.org/standards/toc.html National Council for the
Social Studies
"National Farmers Union" supports conservation programs
that increase land-use options for producers and provide
cost-sharing to meet compliance mandates. NFU supported passage of
the new six-year farm law.
"Earth Tomorrow" "Created by the National Wildlife
Federation and 'teens like you'"
"Earth Tomorrow" - National Wildlife Federation, "
... a leader in environmental education for over 65 years ... "
http://www.oie.int Office International des Epizooties (English
translation: World Organization for Animal Health)
http://www.oldriverpark.org Old River Committee –
San Joaquin County/Tracy, California
http://www.omced.org The Ombudsman Centre
http://www.1000fom.org "1000 Friends of Minnesota"
http://oregonfuture.oregonstate.edu/links.html "Looking for
Oregon's Future: What is Sustainability?"
The Appalachian Mountain Club
http://www.outdoors.org/about/index.shtml The Appalachian
Mountain Club, "about us," in their own words: Founded in
1876, the Appalachian Mountain Club is America's oldest conservation
and recreation organization. More than 94,000 AMC members actively
enjoy, appreciate, and protect the outdoors. In the words of our
mission statement: The Appalachian Mountain Club promotes the
protection, enjoyment, and wise use of the mountains, rivers, and
trails of the Northeast. We believe that the mountains and rivers
have an intrinsic worth and also provide recreational opportunity,
spiritual renewal, and ecological and economic health for the
region. We encourage people to enjoy and appreciate the natural
world because we believe that successful conservation depends on
this experience. We fulfill our mission through the three
interconnecting pillars of the AMC: conservation, education, and
http://www.pacificbio.org Pacific Biodiversity Institute
http://www.pacificbio.org/roadmap/roadmap.htm Road Map: We can
mail you a wall size version of our famous Road Map. It has ALL the
roads that you can drive in the country without using four-wheel
drive. No other map has all the roads ... so don't take a trip
without this map! For a 36" by 48" wall size road map
(showing all 7 million miles of roadway) in the lower 48 states of
the United States send us your mailing address plus a check for
$18.00 (covers printing, postage and a sturdy mailing tube). Any
extra donation that you want to make to help us with this project is
greatly appreciated. Our mailing address is Pacific Biodiversity
Institute, PO Box 298, Winthrop, WA 98862 USA. This map was produced
as a part of our effort to assess what hasn't been paved yet ... to
find what is left of the wild landscape that once spread from sea to
http://www.papionrd.org Papillo-Missouri River Natural Resources
http://www.peerohio.org Progress With Economic and Environmental
http://www.performanceweb.org The Performance Institute
http://www.petroglyph.com/progress.html (The Common Ground World
http://www.pewtrusts.com The Pew Charitable Trusts
MapMachine: Online atlas, street maps
http://www.publiclandsranching.org Yet ANOTHER Andy Kerr
website: Welcome to the website for the National Public Lands
Grazing Campaign, a multi-year, multi-organization strategy to end
abusive livestock grazing on the nation's public lands. Public lands
livestock grazing is ecologically damaging, economically irrational,
and fiscally imprudent. Conservationists and public lands grazing
permittees/lessees could argue forever on these issues and never
reach consensus. Or we could work together to lobby Congress to
establish a voluntary federal grazing permit buyout program. NPLGC
advocates legislation to pay grazing permittees/lessees $175 per
animal unit month to voluntarily retire their permit or lease and
end grazing on the associated allotment permanently. This
legislation would provide grazing permittees/lessees with another
option for their permit or lease, while relieving public lands from
continued livestock grazing wherever the buyout option is exercised.
http://www.regis.berkeley.edu Research Program in Environmental
Planning and Geographic Information Systems -- REGIS -- (College of
Environmental Design, University of California, Berkeley) River
Current Partners of River Network with email and websites
http://www.sca-inc.org/vol/raca/racasrch.asp Student
Conservation Association (SCA) - 3-12 month internships (expenses
paid & stipends) in national parks, forests, wildlife refuges,
urban greenways, and wildlands managed by government and nonprofit
organizations. "Changing lives through service to nature."
http://www.scn.org/ip/commnet/appA.htm (The Community Network
http://www.sustainableagriculture.net Sustainable Agriculture,
http://td.ci.columbus.oh.us/hellbranch/ The Hellbranch Run
Watershed Protection Overlay Project (Ohio)
http://www.thefarm.org "The Farm" Summertown,
Tennessee U.S.A. (eco-village, founded in 1971)
The Thoreau Institute
http://www.tnc.org (The Nature Conservancy)
http://www.tnccalifornia.org (The Nature Conservancy of
http://www.tnc-ecomanagement.org/images/FMN2summary.pdf (Desired
Future Status of Forested Landscapes) TNC –
Landscape Conservation Networks: Fostering the Conservation of
Functional Landscapes -- LCNs are a highly effective vehicle for
accelerating both conservation work at specific portfolio
landscapes, as well as organizational learning about conservation
planning, threat abatement, and strategy development and
implementation. The networks bring together Conservancy field staff,
partners, and scientific experts in a series of facilitated,
progressive workshops focused on key threats and strategies
identified in ecoregional and conservation area plans.
http://www.trailsandgreenways.org/welcome.asp Trails and
Greenways Clearinghouse (TAG)
Tall Timbers Research Station
(The Wildlands Project – "Official Site")
http://www.twp.org/action/cebadillas/index.html ("Cebadillas")
http://www.twp.org/action/maine/index.html ("Maine
Wildlands Network")
http://www.twp.org/action/siwn/index.html ("Sky Islands
Wildlands Network")
http://www.twp.org/action/ytoy/index.html ("Yellowstone to
http://www.tws.org The Wilderness Society
http://tycho.cfm.ohio-state.edu/ Ohio Watersheds Homepage
http://www.ucsusa.org Union of Concerned Scientists (reader,
beware of language deception at every turn!)
http://www.umbsn.org Upper Mississippi Basin Stakeholder Network
http://www.une.edu.au/cwpr/ Centre for Ecological Economics and
Water Policy Research (Australia) (Formerly the Centre for Water
Policy Research)
http://www.unep.ch United Nations Environment Programme
http://www.unep.ch/conventions/calendar/calendar.doc UNEP's
Calendar of Environmental Treaties
List of worldwide biosphere reserves
The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement
http://www.vistas-sesarm.org Visibility Improvement – State
and Tribal Association of the Southeast (VISTAS)
http://www.waterandgenderalliance.org Gender and Water Alliance
(no kidding!) In their own words: Everybody, men, women and children
must help manage and share water fairly. Conflicts over
"troubled water" -- sometimes too much, too little or too
polluted -- must be avoided. They harm people, food production,
nature and the environment. Research and practical experience from
the Gender and Water Alliance (GWA) have demonstrated that
effective, efficient and equitable water resources management is
only achieved when both women and men are involved in integrated
water resource management.
http://weblinks.schoolsgogreen.org Links page from www.GreenTeacher.com
Becomes "Center for Environmental Education: Web Links"
http://www.westgov.org Western Governors' Association
http://www.westgov.org/wga/initiatives/drought/hr4754.pdf Link
from the Western Governors' Association website to a bill to
establish a Federal Drought Council that would aid in the
pre-positioning of firefighters so that they could pounce on fires
as quickly as possible. Language in the bill fails to address
restoration of fire-dependent ecosystems. (Say what???)
http://www.wrapair.org/ Western Regional Air Partnership (WRAP)
National Regional Planning Organizations (RPO) Information
Links page (VERY extensive, you won't believe all that's here...)
(Partnered with the Center for Biological Diversity, U.S. Fish &
Wildlife Service and the Department of Interior)